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York St John University BA English Language, Linguistics & TESOL
York St John University

BA English Language, Linguistics & TESOL

York, United Kingdom

3 Years


Full time

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GBP 9,250 / per year *


* Home & EU students per annum; International (non EU) students: £12,750 per annum


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This BA (Hons) course in English Language, Linguistics & TESOL gives you the skills you need to teach English around the world. The programme is designed to give you both a deep understanding of theories and methods for teaching English in a multilingual world and broad expertise in language structure and use - equipping you for the practical challenge of teaching English as a world language.

Course Overview

The English Language, Linguistics & TESOL BA (Hons) programme gives you a working knowledge of linguistics - how language is used and structured - and an understanding of theories and methods for teaching English in a multilingual world. You'll be able to choose from a range of specialist modules such as Language, Gender & Sexuality, Forensic Linguistics, Child Language Acquisition and Speech and Language Pathology.

You'll learn how we convey meaning, how language varies according to speaker and situation and investigate the social, political and ideological issues in language education. The internationally-recognised teaching qualification CELTA is included, subject to successful interview.

Dr Becky Muradás-Taylor - Subject Director, English Language, Linguistics & TESOL


CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other Languages) is an internationally-recognised English language teaching qualification awarded by Cambridge Assessment English, part of the University of Cambridge. It normally costs £1300 but is included in the English Language, Linguistics & TESOL course fee, subject to a successful interview.

CELTA is a four-week intensive course delivered on campus at York St John University. You have the opportunity to apply to take a CELTA course between your second and third year or at the end of your third year before you graduate.

CELTA includes theoretical input, tutorial support and consultation, supervised lesson planning, 6 hours of assessed teaching practice, peer observation of teaching practice and observation of experienced teachers in the classroom.

Study Abroad

You will have the opportunity to apply to study abroad for one semester during your second year.

96% of Graduates from our School of Languages and Linguistics were in employment or further study within six months.

DLHE 2017

Course Structure

Level 1

Semester 1:

  • English Language and Linguistics - This module aims to develop your critical awareness of language, introducing the historical development of language and English, of linguistics, and a variety of systematic approaches to language study.
  • Key Concepts for Language Learning and Teaching - This module introduces you to the discipline of applied linguistics and controversies in its definition, scope and relationship to linguistics and language teaching. The module will prepare you for any tutoring you may do in your second year and beyond.
  • Semantics and Pragmatics - In order to give an overview of the analysis of the interpretation of meaning in language use, theories of semantics and pragmatics will be explored along with applications of such theories.

Semester 2:

  • Grammar - This module examines the grammatical framework of linguistic structures. Discussions will also consider how configurations of the elements of this framework relate to meaning. Where possible, the module examines these issues in relation to real texts.
  • Multilingualism - This module addresses the world's linguistic diversity and variation and situates the English language within the context of our multilingual world. Language variation and multilingualism are considered form linguistic, psychological, sociocultural and educational perspectives.

One of (subject to availability):

  • Phonetics - This module introduces the principles of articulatory phonetics and instructs students in the description, recognition and production of a subset of the sounds and symbols of the International Phonetic Association.
  • British Sign Language Beginners - This course is suitable for complete beginners or those with very little prior knowledge of the language. British Sign Language is a visual/gestural language so much of this module will be given to getting to grips with this new modality.
  • Korean Beginners - You will learn how to introduce yourselves, speak and write simply about where you live, your family, your hobbies and studies. You will learn how to understand simple instructions and respond to a range of simple questions. You will learn to recognise hangul characters and write short passages using the characters.

All modules are worth 20 credit points unless otherwise stated.

Level 2

Semester 1:

  • World Englishes - What is the impact of the spread of English on other languages, cultures and identities? This module addresses the development, structure and use of international varieties of English, tracing the origins and history of the language to its current role as a global language.

Two of:

  • Analysing Media Texts - This module allows you to develop advanced skills in reading and analysing texts across a variety of genres. A broad linguistic perspective will provide insights into how meanings are created and debated in texts. As a result, you will have more understanding of issues of representation and power in contemporary discourses.
  • Analysing Talk - This module introduces fundamental concepts of conversation analysis.
  • Applied Phonetics and Phonology - This module builds on and applies phonetics teaching from level 1. You will be introduced to aspects of phonetics and phonology which support the analysis of varieties of language including child phonology and languages other than English.
  • Language, Gender and Sexuality - Langauge, gender and sexuality is a diverse and often controversial field, giving rise to varying nd sometimes contradictory theories. This module will provide you with a thorough grounding in the main areas of feminist and queer linguistic enquiry. The main aim of the module is to empower you to argue for your own position and give you the grounding from which to develop your own work and ideas.
  • Language Diversity in the Classroom - This module will consider language use and diversity in education.

Semester 2:

  • Language at Work - This module comprises of a 10-day work placement. In addition, the module will consider relevant issues and practices within places of work as well as the communication demands on the prospective work-seeker within contemporary society.

Two of:

  • Digital Communication - This module examines some of the new genres of communication that have been made possible by new technologies and considers how they both reflect and construct changes within communities and language use practices.
  • Forensic Linguistics - On this module you will learn how to analyse language as forensic evidence across a range of crime scenarios, examining cases in which forensic linguistics have played a key role in making convictions and overturning miscarriages of justice.
  • Language and Literacy - This module will introduce you to key issues in relation to the development of literacy, focusing primarily on the development of writing skills.
  • Psycholinguistics - This module helps you develop an awareness of the psychological dimensions of language knowledge and use and provides you with a broad map of the concepts, issues, phenomena and research methods associated with the field of psycholinguistics.
  • Sociolinguistics - This module investigates what issues influence the way language is used in various aspects of everyday social life. Different theoretical and methodological approaches to sociolinguistic study will be addressed, and the central themes of each will be identified, including concepts of face and im/politeness.

All modules are worth 20 credit points unless otherwise stated.

Level 3

Semester 1:

  • TESOL Theories and Methods - This module applies linguistic theory to the practical issues of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Theories of second language acquisition and learning and methodologies of second language teaching will be related to a variety of teaching and learning contexts worldwide.

Two of:

  • Accents and Dialects - During this module you will learn about regional variation in pronunciation, lexis and syntax.
  • Attitudes to Language - This module examines publicly held views of language. It covers topics such as Standard English and correctness. With particular reference to education, it also investigates the social, political and ideological issues associated with these views.
  • Child Language Acquisition - This module introduces students to key theories of child language acquisition with a focus on the acquisition of speech sounds. The module takes a workshop approach to learn about the typical phonological processes seen in children and how these articulations move towards the adult system over time.
  • Grammar and Phonetics for TESOL - You will explore the core features and structures of English grammar and phonetics. Skills taught on this module will enable the detailed description of L2 Englishes, drawing on theories of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and second language acquisition.
  • Language and Identities - This module explores the ways in which language can function as an indicator of a range of social and cultural identities and how language plays an active role in constructing identities. The module takes an interdisciplinary approach to analysing the relationship between language, identity and culture.
  • Language in InterAction - This module introduces fundamental concepts of discourse analysis. It will involve studying language in use from a Clarkian perspective which recognises formal, functional and social aspects of using language to do things.
  • Speech and Language Pathology - This module will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to speech and language pathology and give you an appreciation of how clinicians evaluate and make decisions about intervention to remediate speech and language difficulties in both adults and children.

Semester 2:

  • Reflections in Linguistics - This module encourages you to engage with and reflect upon your learning over the entire course of your degree programme. It invites you to critically evaluate and integrate themes from across and beyond the course.
  • Dissertation (40 credits) - you will carry out independent research related to your programme on the topic of your choice backed by tutorial supervision.

All modules are worth 20 credit points unless otherwise stated.

Programme specification

Further information on this course is available in the programme specification. Please note that the programme specification relates to course content that is currently being studied by students at the University. For new programmes, the programme specification will be made available online prior to the start of the course.

Disability Advice

York St John University works hard to create an inclusive environment for all our students. We offer a range of disability advice services to assist students throughout their studies.

Teaching & Assessment


English Language, Linguistics & TESOL modules are delivered using a mixture of lectures, workshops and seminars. Seminar groups have up to 30 students.

Academic and research skills are embedded in modules, for example, academic writing and referencing, peer review, use of web-based resources for document sharing, and the use of wikis and blogs.

Contact hours

You will take three modules per semester (except for your final semester when you will take a 40-credit dissertation module and one other module). Each module has 2-4 hours of contact time. The taught sessions could be spread across all five days of the week or could be concentrated into fewer days. Taught sessions are scheduled between 9.00am-8.00pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9.00am-1.00pm Wednesday, and 9.00am-6.00pm Friday.

As well as the taught sessions, you will also have academic tutorials through the semester, you can set up tutorials with your module tutors, and you'll be able to attend events such as the Colloquium Lectures and Language Talks.

Self-study time

If you are joining us from school, college or the workplace you will probably feel you have a very empty timetable. This is because a 20-credit module, which is equivalent to 200 hours of study, only has 2-4 hours a week of contact time - the rest is the study you are expected to do yourself.

We support students in achieving this by giving lots of guidance on what to study, including weekly readings and preparation for assessments, and offering regular tutorials and drop-in sessions with module tutors so you can get feedback on your work. All modules are supported by materials hosted on Moodle, the University's Virtual Learning Environment.


You will be taught by academic staff in the School of Languages & Linguistics. The Head of School is Dr Rachel Wicaksono. The English Language, Linguistics & TESOL programme is managed by the Subject Director for Languages and TESOL Dr Becky Muradás-Taylor. University support staff are well integrated into our programme, for example, a representative from the library contributes sessions on research and referencing over the course of the programme.

Assessment Methods

Assessment methods vary from module to module. There is an exam on Language Structure: Grammar in the first year. Other assessment methods include essays, presentations, data analysis, online tests, peer reviews, blog posts and research proposals and reports.

Our School

As a Languages & Linguistics student you will be part of the School of Languages & Linguistics (SoLL), along with other Undergraduate and Postgraduate students studying British Sign Language, French, Spanish, Japanese, English language, Linguistics and Clinical Linguistics. Our research is rated 'internationally excellent' and we frequently collaborate on research projects with our students here in York, as well as with academic colleagues across the University and around the world. We are very proud of our students' commitment to the School. As members of our well-established student societies, the Languages Society, the Japanese Society and the Linguistics Society, they organise an exciting programme of events for students (and staff!), including a regular guest lecture series, overseas trips, conferences, dinners, and other social events.

School Opportunities

  • Japanese Society: experience Japanese culture and meet home and exchange students.
  • Specialist spaces: the Languages Workshop, the Linguistics Lab, the Lounge and the Study.
  • Community programmes: YESOL (York: English speakers of Other Languages) and YEAL (York: English as an Additional Language).
  • Trips: recent trips include the British Museum in London, Denmark, Sweden and Paris.
  • Talks: the Colloquium Series and languages talks.
  • Research: join our Students-as-Researchers scheme or present your dissertation research at ULAB, the Undergraduate Linguistics Association of Britain conference.

Entry requirements


The minimum entry requirements for this course are:

  • 96-112 UCAS Tariff points
  • 3 GCSEs at grade C/4 or above (or equivalent) including the English Language

Personal Statement

Candidates can demonstrate a real enthusiasm for the subject that goes beyond achieving good grades in exams. Examples of this include:

  • A strong standard of written English
  • Discussion of future career plans in a relevant field
  • Demonstrating relevant transferable skills
  • Relevant extra-curricular activities or work experience
  • Becoming a member of appropriate societies
  • Subscribing to (or reading) relevant journals/magazines
  • Being involved in overseas exchange programmes

Fees and funding

To study for an undergraduate degree with us, you will need to pay tuition fees for your course. How much you pay will depend on whether you're a UK & EU student or an international (non-EU) student. Tuition fees are charged for each year of your course.

Find out more about funding for Foundation Year and/or Placement Year by visiting the Funding Advice pages of our website.

York St John offers special reductions to students graduating from York St John University Undergraduate degrees in 2019 and continuing directly onto Postgraduate study. Find out more about discounts and scholarships.

There may also be some additional costs to take into account throughout your studies, including the cost of accommodation.

Tuition fees

UK & EU 2019 - 20

The York St John University tuition fee for the 2019 entry to Foundation Degree, BA and BSc, PGCE Primary and Secondary and UG Health Programme degrees is £9,250 per year for UK/EU, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man students.

Tuition fees may be subject to inflation in future years.

International (non-EU) 2019 - 20

The York St John University tuition fee for the 2019 entry to Foundation Degree, BA and BSc, PGCE degrees is £12,750 per year for international students.

Tuition fees may be subject to inflation in future years.

About the School


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