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Yerevan State University Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Yerevan State University

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Yerevan, Armenia

4 Years


Full time

Request application deadline *

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USD 2,730 / per year **


* the period for passing documents is from June, 1 until August, 15

** per academic year



The BS program “Electrical engineering and computer science” will prepare professionals in all sectors of applied physics and engineering. The main educational directions and outcomes include:

  • The problems and the futures of electromagnetic wave generation, propagation and detection in sub-millimeter and microwave ranges, the main types and characteristics of metamaterials and composite materials with anisotropy;
  • Electromagnetic theory and the physical and technical fundamentals for the design of electrical devices. Theoretical, practical and methodological skills of modern information technology;
  • Knowledge about computer modelling and simulation of physical problems and their characteristics, as well as the capabilities for complex projects implementation;
  • Microsystems and nano-engineering and their application in the fields of life sciences, information and communication technology, security, transport, medicine and aerospace. The specifications and mechanisms of electromagnetic, micromechanical and optical phenomena in nanoscale at technological limitations;
  • Research and educational profile that covers electronics from a very broad range of basic topics including semiconductor device technology and circuits to systems integration and embedded systems implementation in industrial applications-oriented to scientific and industrial automation;
  • Communication Systems which includes, technical and economic aspects of wireless, wired and optical communication systems and services, fixed and mobile communication systems. The theoretical bases of information data processing and transmission, the methods for encoding and securing and intended protocols and algorithms in modern IT;
  • Preparation of qualified personnel who have mastered modern scientific achievements and are able to understand the prospects for their developments.

The project will be implemented jointly with the IT Educational and Research Center at YSU, and in partnership with Denmark and St. Korea Universities.

Program Outline

The first two years cover key topics such as Planning and methods for research work, Modern problems of profession, Radio remote sensing and control, Microwave and terahertz physics, Antennas and propagation of radio-waves, Integrated optoelectronics, Modern telecommunication systems, Nonlinear and parametric processes, Programmable electronic devices, and more.

The second two years explore key topics such as Terahertz and microwave spectroscopy, Radio astronomy, Microwave microscopy, Electrodynamics in artificial environments, Information security, Nanophotonics, Mathematical methods for digital signal processing, Selected topics of propagation and radiation of the electromagnetic waves, Radiophysics methods for materials research, Radio engineering systems and more.

Students will be able to use theories, computer simulation and modelling, as well as experimental tools for data, analyzes and decision, interpreting and visualizing obtained results and applying that knowledge in real applications.

Alexander Dummer / Pexels


Program Curriculum Overview

Course units for year 1, semester 1:

  • Armenian language -1
  • Foreign language -1, (English, Russian, German, French),
  • Basics of physics,
  • Introduction to Mathematics.

Course units for year 1, semester 2:

  • Armenian language -2,
  • Foreign language- 2 (English, Russian, German, French),
  • Basics of mechanics,
  • Calculus,
  • Linear algebra,
  • Computer science and programming.

Course units for year 2, semester 1:

  • Foreign language- 3 (English, Russian, German, French),
  • Calculus and differential equations,
  • Electricity and magnetism,
  • Introduction to probability and statistics,
  • Modelling and simulation for physical problems.

Course units for year 2, semester 2:

  • Optics,
  • Basics of radio engineering,
  • Digital signal processing, computer-based approaches,
  • Automation of scientific experiments.

Course units for year 3, semester 1:

  • Quantum physics,
  • Circuits and electronics,
  • Fundamentals of telecommunication,
  • Complex variables with applications,
  • Management in engineering.

Course units for year 3, semester 2:

  • Statistical physics,
  • Computational science and engineering,
  • Material science and technology,
  • Digital communication systems,
  • Coursework – 1.

Course units for year 4, semester 1:

  • Electromagnetics and applications,
  • Antennas and radio waves propagation,
  • Micro and nanoelectronics,
  • Quantum electronics,
  • Coursework – 2.

Course units for year 4, semester 2:

  • Professional internship,
  • Practice for telecommunication and microwaves,
  • Final work.

Degree Highlights and Facilities

  • Students have access to printed and manual books, electronic lectures, and online materials,
  • Teaching methods include the conventional and electronic whiteboards in the classroom, laboratory equipment and setups, as well as interactive (including online) learning options,
  • Hands-on experience using laboratories equipped with modern equipment and software, electronic resources, cloud computing system.

Career Opportunities

The program prepares specialists to interpret and use data for decision-making. This skill set can be applied across a science and broad range of industries including work with radio remote sensing and control devices and knowing their main operation principles; millimeter-wave and microwave devices operating in different areas of science and technology, physical principles providing their operation regime; modern radio physical devices in science, engineering and industry; the computer modeling and simulation software packages for design and required parameter estimation in modern nodes of UHF devices (waveguides, resonators, filters, etc.); the correlation and compatibility of designed devices; the main parameters in radio-transmitters and radio receivers for radio remote control and sensing units the knowledge about the specifications of electromagnetic, micromechanical and optical phenomena in nanoscale to evaluate the technological limitations in electrophysical, electrochemical, and biological processes. At the end of this program the student will be able to:

  • use modern information sources (printed and online resources) to classify and analyze information to formulate practical problems, ideas, and their solutions;
  • analyze and present the results of scientific research, prepare reports and conduct scientific seminars as well as technical English for professional communication;
  • successfully integrate and work in research groups, as well as to conduct scientific units;
  • work according to rules of professional ethics.


Officially accredited and recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia


Applicants must have a high educational or equivalent qualification. Working experience is not obligatory.

  • Admission of technical school (or equivalent qualification) based on the results of the previous study on a competitive basis;
  • Applicants with other specialities are enrolled on a competitive basis based on the interview results.

Application Process and Necessary Documents

The application process is carried out in accordance with the admission rules of the Yerevan State University's Bachelor’s and Master's degree programs.

Foreign citizens applying for admission at Yerevan State University (YSU) should provide:

  1. Application form (find below) or
  2. An admission statement (find below) or
  3. A CV in English, Armenian or Russian
  4. 2 certified copies of passport (confirmed by Armenian Embassy or Armenian consulate representative. Citizens from CIS countries can provide only notarized translations). The first copy is for Yerevan State University, the second copy is necessary for a student residence permit.
  5. Copy of previous academic certificates (diplomas) and transcripts (confirmed by Armenian Embassy or Armenian consulate representative. Citizens from CIS countries can provide only notarized translations).
  6. Notarized and verified copy of the birth certificate, translated into Armenian.
  7. 2 original copies of general health certificate (this certificate can be provided by any Armenian medical institution). The first copy is for Yerevan State University, the second copy is necessary for a student residence permit.
  8. 8 photos (3/4)

Important Dates

For BA and MA students, the period for passing documents is from the 1st of June to the 15th of August. The lessons begin on the 1st of September.

Tuition Fee

1.300.000 AMD (about 2730 USD according to the current exchange rate of Central Bank of Armenia) per academic year.

Armenian Visa

Information about obtaining Armenian visa is provided at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia ( ). Upon arrival to Armenia necessary information and assistance for a residence permit will be provided by the Foreign Students’ Department of Yerevan State University.

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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About the School
