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Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim was established on August 13, 1997 based on the consent of the Ministry of National Education. She was entered into the MEN register under the position 129 (currently 128). It is the oldest private university in the Lubuskie Province.

The University of Business is distinguished by combining theory with practice. The university places great emphasis on cooperation with the economic and social environment. It shapes its offer dynamically - so as to quickly and accurately respond to signals from the labor market. He cooperates with local labor market institutions and employers. He is a member of economic and social associations and an educational partner for enterprises and institutions in their projects, training and other undertakings. In 2011, on the initiative of the University of Business, the Business Council was established, bringing together the largest employers from the region, business-related institutions and local government. One of the tasks of the Business Council is cooperation with the University of Business in the field of adapting curricula to the needs of the local labor market.

  • Gorzów Wielkopolski

    Walczaka,25, 66-400, Gorzów Wielkopolski



    Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim