Bachelor's degree in Business Administration
Kraków, Poland
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 1,200 / per semester *
* per semester
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Business Administration is a degree program that offers vast career opportunities. It is profoundly practical and flexible. The skillset you acquire would be in demand in a large spectrum of industries and sectors. No wonder job adverts targeting business administration graduates are by far the most frequent!
As the Business Administration student at WSEI, you start shaping your professional career already in your 3rd semester, when you choose your first expert module to concentrate your educational path on your selected area of expertise. The 5th-semester expert module will complete your preparation for a selected field of expertise.
The program is strongly practice-oriented, with project-based courses, where you will be expected to put into practice all you have learned and show your practical application capabilities.
- Type of program: traditional, full-time, campus-based
- Students are required to complete two expert modules with a capstone (practical) project course for each of them
- Required diploma project: diploma thesis for the bachelor degree, with defense
- Internship: 24 weeks (480 hours) (24 ECTS)
- Program duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
- Total ECTS credits required for completion: 180
- Marketing for Innovations and High Technologies
- Designing Effective Teams
- Sales and Marketing Management
- Sales Team Management
- Designing Innovative Logistics Systems
- Sales Logistics
- Internet Marketing
- Internet Sales Management
- Internet Marketing of Innovative Products
- Human Resources Management
Expert modules within the program
You need to complete two modules for a selected concentration.
- Innovation Design (20 ECTS)
- Marketing for Innovative and High-Tech Products (20 ECTS)
- Sales Management (20 ECTS)
- Domestic and International Logistics (20 ECTS)
- Personnel Management (20 ECTS)
- Business Psychology (20 ECTS)
- Digital Marketing 1 (20 ECTS)
- Digital Marketing 2 (20 ECTS)
Supplementary expert modules
- Controlling for Specialists (20 ECTS)
Select this module to pursue one of the following additional concentrations:
- Sales Controlling
- Personnel controlling
- Logistics Controlling
The direct approach distinguishes us. We're doing our best to make the student-lecturer relations a bit similar to those between colleagues at companies who are cooperating in some area and pursuing common goals. Przemyslaw Stach, Ph. D. |
Program Outcome
Student learning outcomes
Some of your more fundamental learning outcomes will include:
- skills, knowledge, and attitude to undertake entrepreneurial ventures;
- knowledge to effectively communicate and negotiate in different situations and play different team roles;
- ability to use in practice common IT tools to process and present information;
- skills to process data and the ability to draw appropriate conclusions;
- relevant knowledge of law and standards applicable in business and everyday life;
- knowledge and understanding of various economic systems, their components, relevant processes, and factors, as well as the process and results of policymaking;
- knowledge and understanding of the process, methods, and tools of management and the ability to apply them to solve real-life problems;
- awareness of how knowledge is created, and the ability to identify sources of data and information, to collect, process and make sense of the gathered observations as well as the ability to use them to create solutions or appropriate courses of action;
- awareness of the importance of continuous learning and adapting to new situations.
Career Opportunities
Major career opportunities
- Designer of Innovative Products and Services
- Designer of Effective Teams
- Innovative Products Sales and Marketing Manager
- Sales Team Manager
- Designer of Innovative Logistics Systems
- Sales Logistics Specialist
- Internet Marketing Manager
- Internet Sales Manager
- Specialist in Internet Marketing of Innovative Products
- HR specialist
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.