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University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI)


University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI) was established on the strength of the permission of the Minister of Education and Sport of 24th October 2000. WSEI is registered in the register of vocational higher education institutions in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the number 57.


University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI) was established on the strength of the permission of the Minister of Education and Sport of 24th October 2000. WSEI is registered in the register of vocational higher education institutions in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the number 57. The founder of the University is Polish Foundation of the Opportunities Industrialization Centers "OIC Poland", which is the private non-governmental organization, based in Lublin. The Foundation was established in 1991 on the initiative of members of the local society, who were interested in stimulating the socio-economic development of Lublin Region.

Our Mission

The mission of WSEI is to prepare the highly qualified professionals, who will be able to meet European standards and who then reinforce the human resources potential and enhance the capacity of local government institutions in terms of public finance management, strategic planning or absorption and management of EU funds. In the context of the economic development of the region, those mentioned areas of activities are the key challenges that the public and private sector is to face in the next few years.


We strongly believe that educational activity of our University will bring an immense impact on the development of career opportunities for our students for the benefit of Lublin Region. We are very proud of the position that WSEI has achieved over the years. We cannot think about those achievements without mentioning the people who contributed to create its structures from the beginning and are doing it nowadays.


We owe our success mainly to a high level of education, which combines academic knowledge with a close relationship and practice of socio-economic life, which is very rare among higher schools. The high level of educational process is maintained by a diligently selected didactic staff with proper academic degrees and necessary academic experience. A great part of the staff has also significant practical experience derived from their non-academic activity. Such an excellent team is a guarantee of a high level of education relating to economic realities of our region, meeting the EU requirements.

  • Lublin

    ul. Projektowa 4, , 20-209, Lublin

    University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI)