West Kazakhstan State University
The West Kazakhstan state university, named after M.Utemisov, one of the first universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, signed the Bolonskiy declaration directed on the formation of the world educational space.
The West Kazakhstan state university, named after M.Utemisov, one of the first universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, signed the Bolonskiy declaration directed on the formation of the world educational space.
The university is today an institute of economy and management, culture and art institute, faculties: natural-mathematical, pedagogical, philological, history and law, college, the analytical center, the center of information technology, scientific library, the publishing center, and mass-media, test laboratory of ecology and biogeochemistry, educational-linguistic laboratory and other subdivisions of scientific, educational and production directions.
- Uralsk
Dostyk-Druzhby Avenue,162, 090000, Uralsk