Bachelor of Political Science Program
Thai Buri, Thailand
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Jun 2024
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It cannot be denied that social inequality is one of the major problems in Thai society today. Because inequality affects the right to access resources. including human dignity which manifests itself in the nature of class inequality cultural bias, ethnicity and gender oppression, among others. Of course, these problems appear, exist and change in complex ways under a number of elements and conditions. One of the most important elements is the central state and the power schemes that are established through them. However, no power scheme can forever dominate or control groups, just as all things are constantly changing. still The social condition under which central state powers are supported will also change. Globalization, the expansion of capitalism and neoliberalism. (neo-liberalism) Advances in communication technology. This led to the creation of a network of transnational people. as well as the opening of the ASEAN Community It is a condition that changes the condition of Thai society and affects the power scheme established by the central state. There are vulnerabilities and weaknesses that will eventually lead to a movement to resist, resist, even change the pattern.
With the aforementioned situation of current Thai society Therefore, it is undeniable that the university, as a higher education institution of society, must carefully create graduates who are knowledgeable about change. and understand the dynamics that continue from the past to the present and aware of the complexity of the various phenomena that arise, at the same time, should be a graduate who is ready to stand beside the truth. and adhering to the ideal of creating an equitable and livable society for all To create manpower to have the characteristics mentioned above Bachelor of Political Science Program มหาวิทยาลัยวลัยลักษณ์ Therefore, a new political science paradigm is needed in teaching and learning management. This paradigm consists of modern concepts and methods for studying phenomena. cross over the limitations of any science subject Open up a learning area for learners in a wide range, in accordance with the current situation. Along with cultivating students to have the opportunity to study and learn from real phenomena. This will create a deeper understanding of the subject studied. And it can help to instill a conscience of learners ready to graduate and go to work, ready to be a voice for the poor and underprivileged in society.