Bachelor in Information Systems and Cyber Security
Kaunas, Lithuania
7 Semesters
Full time
01 Jul 2025*
01 Sep 2025
EUR 4,900 / per year **
* 1 may for applicants from non-EU/EFTA countries | 1 july for citizens of EU/EFTA
** application fee EUR 100
The Information Systems and Cyber Security study programme is aimed at preparing professionals in information systems and cyber security who will gain fundamental and applied knowledge in informatics engineering and develop the skills required for the secure analysis, design, structuring, and maintenance of information systems.
Why choose this programme?
- This programme is the first and only cybersecurity study programme to be offered in Lithuania.
- There is a considerable demand for cyber security specialists with higher education in the European Union and international labour markets.
- In the future, the demand will undoubtedly grow due to: 1) the tightening of the legal environment and the growth of data and information security in the European Union and other countries; 2) a growing number of forensic tools and the expansion of their scale; 3) the growing demand of the international enterprises and states to be better protected against economic espionage; 4) the threat of an e-war between countries.
Program Outcome
A graduate from our program can:
- Analyze and formalize the information flows in a business enterprise;
- Technologically justify the directions of the implementation of IT;
- Work out an adequate instrumentation;
- Design, implement, structure, maintain and professionally assess a secure IS;
- Understand computer architecture;
- Employ programming languages and technologies for providing information on the internet; design the IS architecture and databases, as well as create IS with the use of both traditional and modern mobile technologies;
- Know about security components, basic structures, assessment criteria and administration basics, effective firewall concepts, architecture and content scanning; detect cases of hacking and carry out prevention measures;
- Identify the gaps in incorrect programming, access the files of cyberattacks DoS and DDoS, and know about Burp Suite;
- Understand the security of WEB components – forms, session management, cookies and the configuration of authentication means;
- Knows the security context of a particular OS, recognises cases of phishing and understands the subtleties of session management and replay attacks;
- Perform manual and half-automatic systems and software testing by identifying security gaps and security vulnerabilities;
- Employ innovative methods and instrumentation for proactive gap identification;
- Know about the legal regulations about cyber security, the specificity of information security management and the management of security risks.
Career Opportunities
Graduates of this study programme will be able to work as: experts, consultants and information systems security professionals in government organisations and business enterprises of various sizes; information systems analysts or architects, programmers, testers, database administrators or project managers in the field of information systems; information security analysts; security management professionals or managers and IT security auditors in different organisations.
Graduates will be able to develop their own business initiatives, provide consulting services or carry out qualitative analyses for the design and management of information systems.
Scope of studies: 210 ECTS credits
Length: 3.5 years
1st Semester
Compulsory courses
- Academic and Information Literacy
- Higher Mathematics
- Fundamentals of Information System Security
- Computer Architecture
- Introduction to Programming
- Analysis and Specification of IS Requirements
2nd Semester
Compulsory courses
- Algorithm Theory and Data Structures
- Information Systems and Databases
- Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
- Legal Regulations for Cyber Security
- Operational Systems and their Security
- Programming Languages and Object-Oriented Programming
3rd Semester
Compulsory courses
- WWW Development Technologies
- Creation of Information Systems on the Basis of Team Work
- Mobile Applications Development Techniques
- Computer Networks and their Security
Course unit (module) of Individual Studies
4th Semester
Compulsory courses
- Methods of Ethical Hacking
- Graphical Business Process Modeling
- Information Security and Risk Management
Course unit (module) of Individual Studies
5th Semester
Compulsory courses
- Data Security and Cryptography
- Digital Forensics and Methods of their Analysis
- Information Architecture Design for an Organization
- Basics of Virtualization
Course unit (module) of Individual Studies
6th Semester
Compulsory courses
- Information Systems Testing and Quality Assurance
- Course Work
- Forensic Analysis of Digital Content and Analysis of Malware
- Statistics
Course unit (module) of Individual Studies
7th Semester
Compulsory courses
- Bachelor Final Thesis (Study field: Informatics Engineering)
- Training Practice
The program structure demonstrates a specific applied direction: it develops competences in cyber concepts of information systems engineering to understand the possible spheres of their application.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.