Vilnius University Of Applied Sciences VIKO
Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences is open to novelties. It is a flexible and continually changing higher educational institution that is harmoniously combining labor market needs with the development of promising areas of science and art. The educational institution has been encouraging the teachers and students’ creativity and responsibility likewise the requirements for a high-quality performance.

Vision and Mission
Vision for the future at Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences
- Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences is open to novelties. It is a flexible and continually changing higher educational institution that is harmoniously combining labor market needs with the development of promising areas of science and art.
- The educational institution has been encouraging the teachers and students’ creativity and responsibility likewise the requirements for a high-quality performance.
- Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences has gained its international recognition and is successfully integrating into the common field of European higher education.
The mission of Vilniaus kolegija / University of Applied Sciences
- To prepare practice-oriented specialists with Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences degree of higher education in biomedicine and natural, humanitarian, social and technological sciences and arts, who meet economic and social needs of Vilnius region and the entire Lithuania.
- To ensure that the study process would be modern and in compliance with European standards as well as develop an effective cooperation with representatives from the business world.
- To develop the students’ general abilities and civil values, necessary for the future work of Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences graduates and their continuing studies.
Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences values are permanent and long-term and they make up the basic principles of our daily work and future development. These values are closely linked to each other and equally important since they form Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences culture.
A new long-term strategic planning document, Strategy 2020, which replaced the previous College strategic action plan for 2009–2013 (hereinafter referred to as SAP for 2009–2013), was approved in 2012. The demand for the renewal of the strategy has arisen for the College in order to meet the national interests and to become an equal participant in the global competition, therefore a long-term strategy document has been drawn up.
Ph.D., docent Gintautas Bražiūnas was born on 5 September 1949 in Vilnius. In 1967 he finished Vilnius A. Vienuolio secondary school, in the years 1967-1972 studied at Kaunas Polytechnic Institute at the Dept. of Radioelectronics. In 2000 G. Bražiūnas graduated from the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Dept. of Management) and received Master’s degree. In 2004 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation and became a Ph.D. of physical sciences.
In 1972-1975 G. Bražiūnas was a lecturer at Vilnius Polytechnic, in 1976-1986 he worked as Deputy Director for academic affairs at Vilnius Polytechnic and in 1986-1991 he became a director of Vilnius Electronics Technical School.
After the restoration of Lithuania independence new type institutions – higher schools were founded on the base of technical schools. In 1992 G. Bražiūnas has been appointed a director of the Higher School of Electronics.
The transformation of higher education started in Lithuania in 1999. In 2000, the best higher schools were merged into one large higher school – Vilniaus kolegija/ University if Applied Sciences. G. Bražiūnas became a temporary rector and in 2008 G. Bražiūnas was elected as the first rector of Vilniaus kolegija/ University of Applied Sciences. On the 14th of March 2013, The College Board has elected G. Bražiūnas for the second term as the rector of Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences.
G. Bražiūnas is active not only in studies but also in the area of science: scientific presentations were made at conferences held in Latvia, Hungary, Belgium, he also participated in internships in Finland, Germany, and Belgium. In 2007-2010 he was the member of European Higher Education Quality Register (EQAR) Committee, the member of Expert Council on Science and Study institutions, the member of the Bologna process follow-up group in Lithuania, as well as the expert of European University Association (EUA) Institutional evaluation programme.
In 2000-2004 G. Bražiūnas was vice president of European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), is now elected as a member of the board of the association. In 2010-2013 G. Bražiūnas was a president of Lithuanian University College Rectors Conference.
In 2001, G. Bražiūnas was awarded the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas I rank medal and in 2008 he was awarded an honorary doctorate at the Tallinn University of Applied Sciences.

Faculties in Vilniaus Kolegija / University of Applied Sciences
- Faculty of Electronics and Informatics
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Business Management
- Faculty of Health Care
- Faculty of Agrotechnologies
- Faculty of Pedagogics
- Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies
Facts and Figures
- Students – 6793 (Oct. 2015)
- Teaching Staff ~460
- Study Programmes – 45
- Faculties – 7
- Business Practical Training Firms – 5
- Practical Training SIMULITH Centre
- Central library and 7 faculty libraries, reading rooms
- Student hostels – 8
- Student canteens – 7
- Folk dance and music band VORUTA
- Sports Center with training gyms
- Sports Club VIKAS
- Vilnius
Saltoniškių Str.58, LT-08105, Vilnius