Bachelor's degree in Computer Science
3 Years
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The bachelor's degree in computer science aims to train specialists who will work in companies that use computers in their business processes, especially in e-commerce.
The program provides solid computer training, which enables its graduates to work in all areas of computer science and adapt to its evolution. The training focuses on the acquisition of software engineering skills in the field of the Internet, databases, networks and computer security.
This program aims to train graduates with the knowledge and skills required to work as computer scientists or computer analysts, and able, through the autonomy gained, to adapt to the evolution of technology.
The training focuses on the acquisition of software engineering skills in the field of the Internet.
The program also prepares students to pursue graduate studies in computer science.
Internships, projects and integration activities in the workplace
- The bachelor's degree in computer science makes it possible to develop a study profile that brings it closer to the job market by providing practical experiences in professional circles. It offers a work-study path in integration and alternation through the combination of regular and optional courses that take the form of internships, integration into professional environments or projects.
- The student can complete a minimum of 6 credits and a maximum of 15 credits of internships, work integration activities and projects. The student is responsible for the steps to find an internship. These generally paid activities are designed to put into practice the knowledge acquired and to become familiar with the concrete computer problems encountered in professional circles.
- IT development projects mean that the student can develop a project corresponding to concrete needs, after being approved by the program management.
- Two profiles allow students to experience work experiences.
Integration Studies / Work
- The integration activities in the workplace (3 credits) take place in parallel with classes on Thursdays and Fridays during the fall and winter sessions and last for 10 to 15 weeks.
- Allows you to work part-time in a company from the second year.
- The Recognition of Prior Learning Gateway for computer science graduates allows integration to begin in the first year.
Alternation Studies / Work
- Work placements (3 credits) usually take place during summer sessions, usually 5 days a week, and last from 10 to 15 weeks.
- Allows alternating study and internship periods.
- The internship and the end-of-studies project in Computer Science (6 optional credits) last from 16 to 25 weeks. In this project, the student participates in the different phases of the realization of a project that takes place in a professional environment for about 4 to 5 days a week.
A personalized education
Classes include an average of 15 students. The limited number of class sessions combined with the availability and the remarkable supervision by the professors favor the success of the studies.
Many opportunities for stays abroad
UQAR offers many opportunities to stay abroad for students motivated to expand their knowledge while living a rewarding cultural experience. These stays can take the form of an exchange program, a practical internship or a research stay. Several sources of funding are also available.