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University of the Merchant Navy (Universidad de la Marina Mercante (UdeMM))


In 1965 the Manuel Trigo Foundation was created. This Foundation had the objective of channeling the first training experiences at the university level, aimed at professionals of the Merchant Marine, which come from the beginning of the century. In 1968 the formal presentations began to obtain recognition as a private university. Later in 1974 the decree Nº1890 / 74 of the National Executive Power recognized the University of the Merchant Marine; (UdeMM) within the regime of Law No. 17604 on Private Universities with the legal protection of the Merchant Marine Foundation; (former Trigo Foundation). In this way, in 1975 the academic activities of the University began, thus achieving the lofty objective of serving the community. The brand new house of studies was inaugurated for secondary graduates who decided to continue their training at the university level

In 1965 the Manuel Trigo Foundation was created. This Foundation had the objective of channeling the first training experiences at the university level, aimed at professionals of the Merchant Marine, which come from the beginning of the century.

In 1968 the formal presentations began to obtain recognition as a private university. Later in 1974 the decree Nº1890 / 74 of the National Executive Power recognized the University of the Merchant Marine; (UdeMM) within the regime of Law No. 17604 on Private Universities with the legal protection of the Merchant Marine Foundation; (former Trigo Foundation).

In this way, in 1975 the academic activities of the University began, thus achieving the lofty objective of serving the community. The brand new house of studies was inaugurated for secondary graduates who decided to continue their training at the university level

  • Buenos Aires

    Libertad,1696, C1016, Buenos Aires

    University of the Merchant Navy (Universidad de la Marina Mercante (UdeMM))