BSc (Geology)
Pretoria, South Africa
3 Years
Full time
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BSc (Geology)
Geology is the study of the Earth and includes aspects related to its formation, composition, structure and processes. South Africa is known for its large reserves of gold, platinum, chromium, vanadium and other metal ores, as well as substantial diamond and coal reserves. A mere hour’s drive from UP takes one to the Karoo coalfields, the site where the Cullinan diamond was discovered, the Bushveld platinum mines and the gold mines of the Witwatersrand. South Africa also has some of the Earth’s oldest well-exposed geology and significant fossils informing us about the history of the planet. UP is well situated within easy reach of the mining and applied geological industries and offers a strong program in the applied fields of economic geology, structural geology and mechanics, and engineering geology and hydrogeology. Candidates who successfully complete this program qualify for professional registration as geological scientists. The program requires an appreciation for mathematics and chemistry. A love for the Earth and working outdoors, and an interest in geology or geomorphology will be beneficial. Depending on your personality, you can decide how you would like to divide your time between working in the field and working in the office.
Geology is split into many sub disciplines, which include mineralogy (the study of rock-forming minerals), petrology (the study of rock formation), structural geology (the deformation and behaviour of rock under stress) and economic or mining geology (identification of mineral resources and contribution to the day-to-day operations of mines).
As a geologist, you can choose whether you would prefer to work in a mine or laboratory, or as an exploration geologist in the field. The program also allows entry into applied geological professions such as hydrogeology and engineering geology.Apart from working in the mining industry, candidates also find employment at analytical facilities, in forensics, or in the insurance industry.
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please visit the university website for more information.
Curriculum: Year 1
Fundamental modules
- Academic information management 111
- Academic information management 121
- Language and study skills 110
- Academic orientation 102
Core modules
- General chemistry 117
- General chemistry 127
- Introduction to geology 155
- Earth history 163
- First course in physics 114
- Calculus 114
Curriculum: Year 2
Core modules
- Sedimentology 253
- Fundamental and applied mineralogy 255
- Igneous and metamorphic petrology 263
- Geological field mapping 266
Curriculum: Final year
Core modules
- Structural geology 365
- Groundwater 366
- Economic geology 367
- Advanced Geological field mapping 368
Program Outcome
Total credits: 428