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University of Pannonia


The University of Pannonia is located in picturesque environment near Lake Balaton – the biggest lake in Central Europe and an important tourist destination. With its headquarters in the city of Veszprém, the university has campuses in four other towns of the Central-Transdanubian region: Kőszeg, Zalaegerszeg, Nagykanizsa and Ajka. The institution offers a wide range of educational programmes at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level, with the focus on interdisciplinarity and practical application of knowledge. The faculties of the University of Pannonia providing English-language courses are:

University of Pannonia

Innovation. Knowledge. Future. We are UP for it.

The University of Pannonia is located in picturesque environment near Lake Balaton – the biggest lake in Central Europe and an important tourist destination. With its headquarters in the city of Veszprém, the university has campuses in four other towns of the Central-Transdanubian region: Kőszeg, Zalaegerszeg, Nagykanizsa and Ajka. The institution offers a wide range of educational programmes at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD level, with the focus on interdisciplinarity and practical application of knowledge. The faculties of the University of Pannonia providing English-language courses are:

  • Faculty of Business and Economics
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Information Technology
  • Faculty of Humanities

Besides, the Faculty of Business Administration providing Hungarian-language courses is located in Zalaegerszeg.

University of Pannonia is an established research university dedicated to education of the highest standard. Those who gain entry to the university become highly qualified specialists in their own professional field by the end of their studies. The major focus of our research is sustainability and innovative solutions, such as recycling, production of alternative energy and waste management, among others. The university itself uses green technologies: for example, our campus in Zalaegerszeg is supported by the solar battery park and rainwater collection system.

Besides research in sustainability, our students can be involved in multipe R&D&I areas, from computer science to marketing, from tourism-related research to applied linguistics. As one of the leading Hungarian higher education institutions, the University of Pannonia contributes to the development of science, society, and quality of life with outstanding research, development and innovation and joint projects with local and international companies.

Each campus of the university provides halls of residence in walking distance from the university buildings. All dormitories are modern and well-equipped, with kitchens, study and lounge rooms, laundry services and other facilities necessary for comfortable living. Besides, students are always welcome to participate in a variety of dormitory activities, such as parties and cultural events, and enjoy the home-like, friendly atmosphere. Please visit the website of the university to learn more about the dormitory opportunities on the campus of your interest.

The campuses of the University of Pannonia are located in five different Hungarian cities; three of them offer study programmes in the English language.
Veszprem is the main campus of the university located within a 1-hour drive from the capital of Hungary Budapest. It is a city with a 1000-year-old history, which, due to its cultural and historical significance, received the status of the European Capital of Culture in 2023. The campus hosts the biggest number of students and provides multiple opportunities for truly exciting student life.

Another campus is located in Kőszeg, in Western Hungary; its calm environment and cosy atmosphere provide excellent opportunities for the acquisition of quality knowledge. Besides high-quality education, we offer students the unique opportunity to be part of a newly established research institute called "The Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg” (iASK), which focuses on finding solutions to modern-time problems.
The campus in Nagykanizsa is famous for its Circular Economy Sustainability Competence Centre, which aims to contribute to innovative solutions in the sphere of sustainability. Here, our students can find practice-oriented courses in economics, information technology and engineering.

    Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

    The Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship holders have an opportunity to not only receive high-quality education in the heart of Europe but also experience an exciting student life in an intercultural environment. Provisions covered by the scholarship:

    • Tuition-free education – exemption from the payment of tuition fee
    • Monthly stipend – non-degree, bachelor’s, master’s and one-tier master’s level
    • Accommodation contribution – free dormitory place or a contribution to accommodation costs.
    • Medical insurance – health care services according to the relevant Hungarian legislation.

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    Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship

    The Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship was established by the Hungarian Government. The programme is open to international students with Hungarian roots living outside Europe. The aim of the scholarship is to give an opportunity for these students to explore their Hungarian heritage, and learn more about the Hungarian culture and language while studying in a Hungarian higher education institution.

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    Stipendium Hungaricum Dissertation Scholarship

    The duration of the Stipendium Hungaricum Dissertation Scholarship starts in the month following the last month of the semester in which the doctoral student obtains their absolutorium and lasts for the number of awarded months, but no later than the calendar month of the public defence of the thesis. The maximum duration of the Stipendium Hungaricum dissertation scholarship is 8 months.

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    Erasmus +

    With Erasmus+ scholarship, you can go to any part of Europe from the sandy beaches of Portugal to the wonderful lakes of Finland! You have a total of 12 months per training level to study as a student at a European university or perform your internship at a company or organization located in a country that is part of the Erasmus+ program.

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    The University of Pannonia provides the following services on campus:

    Mentor Programme

    Even before their arrival to Hungary, new students can get connected with a mentor, who will help them with different questions that may occur. Besides, the goal of the mentor programme is to assist new students in adapting in the new intercultural environment and guide them in their administrative procedures and in their academic progress.

    Healthcare services

    The University of Pannonia provides all students with the necessary medical support throughout their studies. On campus, there are the offices of an English-speaking doctor and an English-speaking dentist, which are located within walking distance from the dormitories and university buildings. Besides, the students of the University of Pannonia are able to request a psychological consultation, which is free of charge and confidential.

    Sports Life

    As for sports activities, the university has a well-equipped, renewed gym on campus offering students reduced entrance fees and seasonal ticket prices. Besides, there is an opportunity to choose from nearly 50 types of training or even become a part of the university teams.

    Career Consultation

    The University of Pannonia cares about the future of our graduates. The aim of the career office is to assist students in finding their career or research perspectives after their graduation. Our career consultants help students to discover their talents and strengths, make their CVs stand out and develop important professional and personal skills.

    About 300 international students from nearly 60 different countries experience a vibrant and attractive student life with a wide spectrum of events, free-time activities and sports. Besides, in connection with the European Capital of Culture 2023 programme, the University of Pannonia holds a variety of culture-related events organized by students themselves. Participating in intercultural events, parties and festivals, students learn more about Hungary and its cultural peculiarities and can also share their own culture.

    • Veszprém

      Egyetem Str. 10.

    • Nagykanizsa

      Zrínyi Miklós u. 18

    University of Pannonia