BA in Communication and Media Science
6 Semesters
Full time
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EUR 2,800 / per semester *
* for non-EU students / EUR 2100 per semester for EU students / application fee: EUR 140
The program, with a Digital Media and Public Relations specialization at Pécs, prepares students for effective work in the fields of professional journalism (of traditional, electronic, and online kinds), and Public Relations, advertisement, and organizational communication. The program lays great emphasis on practical training in media production and the development of students’ soft skills (empathic and assertive communication, teamwork, flexibility, creativity) and digital self-management capabilities.
We believe that with the spread of digital technologies fast and effective communication and online self-management became a must for companies and individuals alike, both globally and locally. We also believe that creative industries (e.g. advertisement, PR, design, organizational communication) are getting more and more important in commercial, institutional, and NGO sectors, while the need for professionally trained journalists remains strong. As the very first department of communication and media in Hungary and with more than 25 years of experience in teaching we are keen to sharpen our students’ sensitivities for, and offer them convertible knowledge about, how communication and media work and how it is to be managed efficiently both in a local, Central-European and global context.
Examples of Subjects During the Studies
1st semester
- Introduction to Social Communication
- The Basics of Cultural Anthropology
- Theories of Interpersonal Communication
- Introduction to Empirical Social Research
- Introduction to Media Studies
- Approaches to Popular Culture
2nd semester
- Introduction to Visual Communication
- Introduction to Network Society Studies
- The Social History of Communication
- Theories of culture and society
- Qualitative Methods in Empirical Social Research
- Multimedia in practice I.
3rd semester
- Photo, Video, and Image Creation I.
- Academic Writing
- Social Media and Youth Cultures on the Internet
- Multimedia in practice II.
- Quantitative Methods in Empirical Social Research
- Organizational Communication
- Legal and Ethical Questions of Communication Regulation
4th semester
- Theories and models of communication
- The Cultural Study of the Media
- Mass Communication Systems and Institutions
- Academic Writing
- Photo, Video, and Image Creation II.
- Marketing and PR Basics
- Advanced Organizational Communication
5th semester
- Communication and Media Planning
- Motion Picture and Media Analysis
- Journalism in Practice
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduates typically work as journalists, editors and content producers at media companies, publishing houses, or as communication experts at commercial or state organizations and NGOs,responsible for press relations, event planning and advertisement.