Bachelor of Mathematics
Ostrava, Czech Republic
3 up to 5 Years
Full time
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EUR 2,670 **
* Priority round in February, second round in May
** The tuition fee equals 62 500 CZK
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Why study mathematics at the University of Ostrava?
The University of Ostrava is one of few Czech universities that offer the study of professional mathematics. Our Department of Mathematics cooperates with the Department of Informatics and Computers. Therefore, the study is unique as you can obtain an education in the field of both mathematics and partially informatics as well. At our department, you will be surrounded by a friendly, working and open atmosphere. During your studies, you will have the possibility to become a member of a research group. The department carries out science and research activities in the sphere of number theory, algebra, geometry, and mathematical physics. It also participates in the preparation of various scientific conferences (http://ntc.osu.cz/) and international competitions (http://vjimc.osu.cz/). If you participate, you will get a chance to gain further valuable experience. At the department, you will have access to a modern university library with more than 250,000 books.
Why is mathematics in Ostrava so specific/attractive? What distinguishes mathematics in Ostrava from other programs?
The University of Ostrava is a young university founded in 1991. As a modern university, we emphasize an individual approach to students. We have developed an excellent system of the study at partner foreign universities including internships. Education in mathematics in combination with computer science ensures high employment potential at the labor market. You, as our graduate, will be able to find a job in various companies and institutions as a specialist in analyses, modeling and problem solving using mathematical methods. Most frequent positions for you as a graduate student of the Bachelor's degree will be a data processing expert, a risk analyst, a market research analyst or a statistician in different sectors.
What will I study?
The aim of the Mathematics Bachelor's degree program is to prepare you to think autonomously, logically and critically, to abstract and mathematize real problems, solve the problems using mathematical methods and computer technology, and to interpret the results correctly. The study comprises the combination of pure mathematics based on mathematical theories and applied mathematics that is useful in many areas of life. You will look into trends in mathematical research, get to the heart of calculus, algebra, statistics, and number theory, and a wide door will be open for you to study applied mathematics including applied computer science, statistics, and data processing. You will be encouraged to address specific challenges, cooperating with experts from the disciplines of natural science, economy, and engineering. Optional courses will make it possible for you to further develop your love for other mathematical disciplines, undertake studies at a partner university or complete practical internship or professional company traineeship.
How will I study?
The study within the Mathematics study program is conducted on the basis of a credit system based on the principles of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Individual courses are presented in a form of lectures and seminars. In a term, you will undertake 4–5 courses, each course is taught in two 90-minute blocks a week (lecture + seminar). As for the seminars, these are conducted in a form of a dialogue, which supports the active role of students.
While studying, you can make use of the assistance and advice of the academic discipline advisor or consult the content of the courses directly with the lecturers. A highly individual approach is one of the elementary benefits of the study of Mathematics at the Faculty of Science.
The standard period of study is 3 years. The academic year is divided into the winter term (September-December) and the summer term (February-May). Each term is terminated with the exam period (including the resit exams). You will be examined orally and/or in a written form.
How will I be assessed?
What are you required to do? What are you supposed to fulfill during your study?
In order to complete your study within the Mathematics Bachelor's degree program, you will have to obtain a required number of credits for compulsory courses and for optional courses, you may also obtain credits for study at a partner university for an international traineeship or selected lectures to extend your mathematics knowledge. At the end of the study, you will have to write and defend a Bachelor Thesis and pass the final state exam.
What opportunities are there for work placements or to study abroad?
For a long time now, the Department of Mathematics has been involved in the study and exchange programs of the Erasmus+ program (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/) and Ceepus program (http://ceepus.info/) within and outside the European Union. Within these programs, you can study and complete an internship at tens of partner universities in more than 15 European countries, e. g. at the University of Liverpool, Stockholm University, Leiden University, University of Graz or the University of Pisa (a complete list is presented at https://prf.osu.cz/kma/vymenne-programy-erasmus-plus-a-ceepus/). You can also apply for study at partner universities in America, Asia or Africa within institution-wide contracts. If you are interested in studying or working at a partner university, having submitted an application, you will be sent to the university on the basis of a selection procedure with regard to the current visa rules.
Scholarships and Funding
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Where can my degree take me? Career prospects
While studying mathematics, you will develop your skills in logical thinking and creativity and get an insight into techniques that will enable you to understand, analyze and solve specific challenges. The internal elegance and beauty of mathematics will hardly cease to fascinate you. The logical and analytical skills developed through a degree in mathematics are highly valued by employers. Our graduates go on to work in careers in industry, government and education, as well as in business, law, accountancy, banking, and computing. Our Ph.D. programs further prepare students for research careers. Mathematics is a very flexible subject: studying mathematics doesn't necessarily mean that you have to become a mathematician, but it will provide you with valuable attributes that you can make use of in other employment. Graduates in mathematics are particularly adaptable when changing jobs and are able to be most useful in many different branches of science and technology.
Our graduates have gone on to work for organizations including:
U&Sluno, Science and Technology Center Ostrava, Česká pojišťovna, Innogy, Tieto, OSIsoft
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.