Bachelor of English Philology
Ostrava, Czech Republic
3 up to 5 Years
Full time
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EUR 2,600 / per year
* priority round in February, second round in May
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The Bachelor's degree program "English Philology" is the English-language version of the degree program "Anglická filologie" (curriculum "completus"). The program combines theoretical instruction with the practical application of knowledge and skills. Its aim is to produce graduates with an advanced level of language competence - proficient users of English (C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) who are capable of communicating in English in various communicative contexts and in various types of institutions. The program exists only in the "completus" version.
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Study programs of the University of Ostrava are available also for persons with a disability unless stated otherwise in the information on a concrete study program. In case of any questions regarding the availability of individual study programs for persons with a disability, do not hesitate to contact the Pyramid Centre of the University of Ostrava ("Centrum Pyramida OU"):
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +420 553 46 1234
Cell phone: +420 733 784 095
In case of questions, applicants without specific needs shall contact the Center for International Cooperation at [email protected]
Graduate Profile
Graduates of the program have a broad-based knowledge of English philological disciplines, representing a basis for theoretical understanding, thinking, and skills; graduates display key knowledge of the theoretical and empirical foundations of linguistic disciplines (including linguistic terminology), enabling them to analyze and interpret linguistic phenomena. In literary-theoretical and cultural/historical disciplines, graduates acquire key cultural and historical knowledge which represents a basis for understanding the relations between literature and the social-cultural context in English-speaking cultures. Graduates are proficient in English at CEFR level C+.
Discipline-specific knowledge
Graduates possess knowledge of key theoretical and empirical principles related to the comprehensive systemic-functional analysis of language and discourse, including key concepts and the relevant discipline-specific terminology (Introduction to English studies; Phonetics and phonology; English grammar in discourse 1, 2; Lexicology and stylistics). They possess knowledge of new media, genres and discourse domains (New media and communication) from the current genre spectrum in the digital environment of the internet. They display a knowledge of the historic and cultural contexts of English-speaking societies (History and culture of English-speaking countries; Social and cultural history of Great Britain / the USA; British studies; American studies) and they have a wide-ranging awareness of key stages in the development of literature in English, literary genres and cultural-historical contexts (Literature and society 1, 2; British literature 1, 2; American literature 1, 2).
Discipline-specific skills
Graduates are able to linguistically analyze and interpret literary/non-literary texts (Discourse analysis; Linguistic seminar), and they are equipped with skills in modern corpus-based approaches to the study of texts; these skills enable them to assess the choice of linguistic resources as targeted authorial strategies (Corpus-based English language studies). They are able to independently assess and interpret new media, discourse domains, and communication within these media/domains in constantly changing contexts. They are able to explain the development of literary genres using literary-theoretical terminology and to apply this knowledge in analyzing works of British and American literature and English-language writing from ethnic and minority literature (Jewish American literature 1, 2). Based on their knowledge of historical and cultural contexts, graduates are able to evaluate the relations between literature and the socio-cultural context in English-speaking cultures (Cultural seminar; Chapters from British and American history). They are able to critically read, interpret and write academic texts in English (Academic skills/writing 1, 2).
General competencies
Graduates are able to independently acquire and apply discipline-specific knowledge, skills, and general competences in the English language: they are able to produce written and spoken discourse in various genres and in a diverse range of communicative situations, achieving CEFR level C1
(Practical language 1 - 3; Listening comprehension; Reading comprehension), and they are capable of using English for work, social and study purposes. Under expert guidance, they are able to formulate research hypotheses, conduct basic linguistic and literary research, and to present cogent interpretations of their research findings (Bachelor thesis seminar 1, 2). The state final examination verifies primarily the student's level of discipline-specific knowledge and skills. The student's work on their Bachelor thesis - including the defense of the thesis and their contribution to an expert dialogue on the thesis and related matters as part of the defense and the state final examination - likewise verifies the student's general competencies.