BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Applied Mathematics
Ningbo, China
3 up to 4 Years
Full time
31 May 2025
Sep 2025
CNY 120,000 / per year *
* international students; 120,000 RMB/year - Mainland Chinese, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan students; 100,000 RMB/year
Key information
- Degree: BSc (Hons) Mathematics with Applied Mathematics
- Types of study: Full-time
- Duration: Three or four years depending on entry qualifications
- Start date: September 2025
- Faculty: Mathematical Sciences / Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Study model: 2+2, 4+0
Note: For the 2+2 study model courses, the student will spend the last two years at our UK campus. For the 4+0 study model courses, the student will spend the entire degree program in Ningbo, China with 'study abroad' opportunities from year three.
Course Overview
This course offers mathematical education with an emphasis on real-life applications. You will be introduced to mathematics as a critical tool in solving problems in natural sciences, engineering, and economy. You will also be introduced to the understanding that abstract mathematical ideas are an essential source of innovation in many applications. The course provides a comprehensive spectrum of career paths in academia and industry to successful graduates.
Year 1 Modules
- Foundation Algebra
- Introduction to Academic Skills
- Foundation Electromagnetism and Mechanics
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Foundation Calculus and Mathematical Techniques
- English in Specific Academic Contexts B (Engineering; Comp Sci; Env'mental Sci & Architecture)
- Oral Communication Skills B
- Introduction to Mathematical Software and Programming
Year 2 Modules
- Applied Mathematics
- Probability and Statistics 1
- Core Mathematics
Optional Module
- Introduction to Accounting
- Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics 1
- Fundamentals of Financial & Management Accounting
- Business Finance
- The Digital Economy
- Algebra
Year 3 Modules
- Vector Calculus
- Introduction to Scientific Computation
- Modelling with Differential Equations
- Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis
Optional Module
- Mathematical Analysis
- Statistical Models and Methods
- Probability Models and Methods Complex Functions
Year 4 Module
Optional Modules
Group 1: Students must take a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 40 credits from this group
- Mathematical Medicine and Biology
- Scientific Computation and Numerical Analysis
Group 2: Students must take a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 100 credits from this group
- Stochastic Models
- Coding and Cryptography
- Mathematical Finance
- Optimization
- Game Theory
- Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory
- Mathematics Group Projects
Group 3: Students must take a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 20 credits from this group
- Thermodynamics & Fluid Mechanics 2
Scholarships and Funding
To encourage academic excellence, we offer a comprehensive and expanding range of full and partial scholarships.
Historically nearly 30% of our undergraduate students were awarded scholarships for their entry. Once enrolled, current students are eligible for additional merit and/or performance-based scholarships and awards, which cover approximately 32.5% of our whole student body.
Please check the school website for scholarship types and policies for applicants from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas countries. If you are a mainland Chinese student, please visit the Chinese language prospectus.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Careers and further study
Studying for a degree at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China will provide you with the type of skills and experiences that will prove invaluable in any career, whichever direction you decide to take.
Throughout your time with us, our Career Development Office can work with you to improve your employability skills even further; assisting with job or course applications, searching for appropriate work experience placements, and hosting events to bring you closer to a wide range of prospective employers.
Have a look at our careers page for an overview of all the employability support and opportunities that we provide to current students.
Our curriculum is designed to help students develop sound mathematical skills for further study and promising careers. We inspire students to apply for jobs in world-leading companies such as investment firms, banks, and other Fortune 500 companies like Google or Alibaba. We also provide students with opportunities to continue their education in various interdisciplinary courses by offering a wide variety of optional modules.
Further study
Out of 100 graduates from the BSc Hons Mathematics with Applied Mathematics in 2023, 89 chose to continue their studies, and 3 went directly to work.
Among students going into further study, 86.5% were admitted into the top 50 universities worldwide.