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University of Manchester BA in Drama
University of Manchester

BA in Drama

Manchester, United Kingdom

3 Years


Full time

Request application deadline

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GBP 23,000 / per year *


* international students fee


Join our internationally recognised centre for the study of applied and social theatre.

Course overview

  • Study theatre, performance, and screen media.
  • Explore ideas raised in your research through rehearsed presentations and performance.
  • Select from a wide range of course units to expand both your theoretical and practical understanding of drama.
  • Create and deliver practical theatre work in prisons and community settings.

Open days

We are carefully reviewing all our recruitment events in light of the developing coronavirus outbreak.

As we're unable to host on-campus visits, or attend events like UCAS and overseas recruitment fairs at the moment, look at our virtual open day content to help you learn more about the University.

You will be able to watch videos about the university, including accommodation, student finance and course-specific sessions.

Read more on the institution's website




Career Opportunities

Program Tuition Fee

Program Outcome

About the School
