BA in Criminology
Manchester, United Kingdom
3 Years
Full time
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GBP 23,000 / per year *
* international student fee
Explore how crime and criminal behaviour are related to other social issues.
Course overview
- Engage with theories of criminal and deviant behaviour and locate these theories within wider political, social and economic contexts.
- Take inspiration from our team across sociology, psychology, law, social work and probation practice.
- Learn on field trips including Manchester Crown Court and seminars in a local prison.
Our BA Criminology course enables you to understand why crime has become a dominant social problem, and how crime and criminal behaviour are related to other social issues.
Understanding the causes and consequences of crime will enable you to contribute to discussions about how some of these problems might be remedied.
Learn about how we can research the challenges that face the criminal justice system.
Under the guidance of our team of criminology experts, you will develop analytical skills to assess complex data related to experiences of crime.
You can take part in field trips and discussions with professionals to gain a real insight into how criminological knowledge is applied in a variety of sectors.
You will develop skills relevant to a variety of key professions concerned with criminal justice and crime reduction, including the police, prisons, offender management, youth justice and victimisation.
Special features
Benefit from networking and professional development opportunities through our student societies
The Manchester University Criminology Society (MUCS) is a long-established society for those who have an interest in crime. Promoting greater integration between students on different courses studying criminology.
Teaching and learning
Lectures are delivered to a large group of students, covering an overview of a particular subject.
Seminars are small groups where you discuss and present aspects of a legal topic which you are learning. You need to prepare in advance and submit written work for each subject.
We offer skills sessions to enhance your academic learning and employability.
If you apply for study abroad, you will complete course units in your host university, taught in English, which focus on Criminology subjects or other topics of interest.
Also, weekly classes are offered to help you with English research and essay-writing skills. You will spend about 40 hours per week studying inclusive of lectures and seminars.
Coursework and assessment
Methods of assessing your work are:
- essays;
- oral presentations;
- short exercises or written pieces eg blogs and learning portfolios;
- project work;
- exams.
We provide helpful and detailed feedback on all written and oral work.
Course content for year 1
Compulsory course units allow you to develop an understanding of the sociological and psychological explanations for crime and criminal behaviour. Study the criminal justice system and criminal law alongside theories of criminal behaviour.
Course content for year 2
Extend your understanding of criminological theory and your knowledge of the practices and techniques used in contemporary criminal justice systems.
Develop your knowledge of specific patterns of crime and criminality, as well as your understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Course content for year 3
Continue to extend your understanding of criminological theory and your knowledge of the practices and techniques used in contemporary criminal justice systems.
Study a unique range of optional subjects delivered by leading experts teaching from original research projects. Topics include financial crime, modern slavery, and the criminology of genocide.
Hone your research skills with a dissertation based on the analysis of real crime data.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
We have an excellent reputation for employability. We are currently the joint-most targeted university by top graduate recruiters in the UK.
Our graduates pursue a variety of careers, including:
- criminal justice system-related professions;
- police and offender management (eg Probation Service);
- community justice;
- national intelligence and security agencies;
- charity and voluntary sector organisations;
- government;
- teaching.
The BA Criminology course has employability skills embedded throughout.
You will have access to specialist careers events covering a broad range of professions and opportunities for you to meet professionals working in criminal justice-related areas.
The University has its own dedicated Careers Service that you will have full access to as a student and for two years after you graduate.
At Manchester, you will have access to a number of opportunities to help boost your employability, further study, research degrees (PhD), and research jobs across sectors.
Ranked 1st for Criminology in the UK (The Guardian league table for Best UK universities for criminology).