BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance
Lincoln, United Kingdom
3 up to 4 Years
Full time
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Making the right decisions at the right time in finance requires foresight and understanding of the factors at work, and these skills are integral to a course that aims to develop economists with a specialism.
The Economics and Finance programmes at Lincoln aim to equip students with the skills to analyse financial and economic events and their impact on markets. It enables students to develop an understanding of advanced financial techniques, including pricing and portfolio management.
Teaching is designed to equip students with a theoretical and practical understanding of the economy and the crucial role played by the financial sector across the world. Students are encouraged to develop the advanced analytical skills that are valued in the business and financial industries for decision-making, portfolio planning, risk management, and working within financial markets.
The programme is available as either a three-year BSc degree or a four-year Master’s programme. Those who enrol on the MEcon, and meet the progression requirements at the end of their third year, can go on to undertake a substantive research project in an area of particular interest.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
How You Study
This course covers topics such as macro and microeconomics, financial management, and econometrics. Teaching explores how financial management decisions can improve the performance and efficiency of organisations, and how capital markets operate theoretically and behaviourally. Students can learn how to interpret financial information, manipulate data using statistical software packages and analyze contemporary economic issues.
This course offers the option to take a year-long work placement after the second year of study, providing the opportunity to gain experience and apply learning in practice. Students are expected to source their own placement, and tutors can provide support during the process if required. Those who choose to undertake a placement do not pay tuition fees for that year but must cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs.
First Year
- Introduction to Accountancy and Finance (Core)
- Mathematics for Economics and Finance (Core)
- Principles of Economics (Core)
- Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 1 (Option)†
Second Year
- Financial Management (Core)
- Fundamentals of Econometrics (Core)
- History of Economic Thought (Core)
- Intermediate Macroeconomics (Core)
- Intermediate Microeconomics (Core)
- LIBS International Year Abroad (Option)†
- Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 2 (Option)†
- Professional Practice (Option)†
Third Year
- Advanced Financial Management (Core)
- Advanced Macroeconomics (Core)
- Advanced Microeconomics (Core)
- Economic Policy Analysis (Core)
- Behavioural Finance and Economics (Option)†
- Decision-Making and Game Theory (Option)†
- Lincoln Student Managed Investment Fund - Year 3 (Option)†
† Some courses may offer optional modules. The availability of optional modules may vary from year to year and will be subject to minimum student numbers being achieved. This means that the availability of specific optional modules cannot be guaranteed. Optional module selection may also be affected by staff availability.
How You Are Assessed
The way students are assessed in this course may vary for each module. Examples of assessment methods that are used include coursework, such as written assignments, reports or dissertations; practical exams, such as presentations, performances or observations; and written exams, such as formal examinations or in-class tests. The weighting given to each assessment method may vary across each academic year.
The University of Lincoln aims to ensure that staff return in-course assessments to students promptly.
Program Outcome
How You Study
This course covers topics such as macro and micro-economics, financial management, and econometrics. Teaching explores how financial management decisions can improve the performance and efficiency of organisations, and how capital markets operate theoretically and behaviourally. Students can learn how to interpret financial information, manipulate data using statistical software packages and analyse contemporary economics issues.
This course offers the option to take a year-long work placement after the second year of study, providing the opportunity to gain experience and apply learning in practice. Students are expected to source their own placement, and tutors can provide support during the process if required. Those who choose to undertake a placement do not pay tuition fees for that year, but must cover their own travel, accommodation, and living costs.
Scholarships and Funding
For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. The University of Lincoln offers a variety of merit-based and subject-specific bursaries and scholarships.
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Our BSc (Hons) Economics and Finance is designed to enable students to develop into economists with a key strength in finance. Students are able to progress into roles in the business and financial services industry, such as tax adviser, finance officer, and positions in accountancy departments. Some students go on to postgraduate study.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.