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University of Johannesburg BA Hons in Religion
University of Johannesburg

BA Hons in Religion

Johannesburg, South Africa

1 up to 2 Years


Full time, Part time

Request application deadline

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ZAR 41,177 / per year *


* fees for the complete programme amount to between R41177,00 and R50874,00. Fees may vary depending on the composition of a particular qualification


The Honours program may be taken with a specific focus in the following areas of specialization or in combination:

Critical Issues in the Study of Religion: The Divine in Religions; Religions and Science; Method and Theory in the Study of Religion; Liberation Theologies in Religions.

Christianity: The Context of Early Christianity; The Bible as Literature; The Christian Tradition; Christianity and Contemporary Issues.

Islam and Arabic: Studies in Hadith; Islam and Gender; Islamic Spiritual Traditions; Selected Arabic Texts (Tafsir); The Qur’an and its Major Themes; The Shari’ah and Constitutional Democracies; Critical Issues in Contemporary Islam

African Indigenous Religions: African Spirituality; Indigenous Religions and Ecology; The Influence of Modernization on African Indigenous Religion; African Indigenous Religion and other Indigenous Religions of the World.

Hebrew – Aramaic, and Judaica Related Themes: Biblical Texts; Mishnah and Talmud; Targums and Interpretative Texts; Judaism and Contemporary Issues.

Reasons for studying at UJ

  • UJ offers not only a special program called the First Year Experience to help orientate students throughout the first year but we also offer a Senior Student Experience that gears students toward the workplace!
  • Grab the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports and train alongside Olympians and Paralympians on state-of-the-art pitches, tracks, and fields, or just keep fit by joining one of the gyms on each of our 4 campuses.
  • Be part of a young, vibrant, and agile university that reflects and adapts easily to our country’s aspirations, while maintaining global relevance through numerous international partnerships.
  • 178 Internationally respected and accepted qualifications.
  • Join a university that cares enough to have raised over R300 million since the start of 2016 in order to support the Missing Middle Campaign. UJ also ensures that more than 6 000 needy students have two healthy meals per day.
  • Study in the vibrant City of Gold – the economic hub of South Africa. Join a vibrant, cosmopolitan, progressive group of students and academics on their way to re-imagining the future!
  • UJ offers an amazing on-campus experience whether you live in one of UJ’s residences, belong to a day house, or whether you just want to socialize at the Student Centres on all campuses.
  • We ensure the health, safety, and security of all our students through our own on-campus health services and UJ Protection Services.
  • Did you know that during the first five years of UJ’s existence it doubled its targeted research output and to this day, continues to break records!



About the School
