BA/BSc in Liberal Arts and Sciences
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 16,700 / per year *
* for Non-EU|for EU/EEA EUR 5,017
"All entities move and nothing remains still." - Heraclitus
University College Groningen is a Faculty of the University of Groningen, one of the world’s top 100 universities. Our mission is to challenge you and to give you space and support to thrive. Our Liberal Arts and Sciences program is designed to empower you to forge your own path, develop your own identity, and find your position in a constantly changing world.
Our Liberal Arts and Sciences program offers students the opportunity to study a broad range of subjects whilst developing specialist knowledge in their major discipline (Humanities, Sciences, Social Sciences). Throughout the degree, students will work in interdisciplinary teams on a series of projects that take them outside of the classroom. This will enable students to learn how to apply a creative approach to finding solutions for complex global challenges.
Why study this program in Groningen?
The academic profile of the program is unique as it is inspired by the three leading societal profiles of the University of Groningen: Energy, Healthy Ageing, and Sustainable Society. In this context, the program has a strong emphasis on societal impact. The methodological approach to complex societal challenges is characterized by the perspectives of creating horizon through imagination and creating scholarship and leadership through invention and academic innovation.
Study load
40 hours of class and self-study per week on average
The first year consists of 30 required credits in the Academic Core Programme. The other 30 credits are up to the student: courses can be chosen from a wide variety of topics and disciplines, ranging from physics to psychology and everything in between. After the first year, students are able to choose their major orientation and specialize in a particular academic field. The academic core runs through all three years of the program.
Year 1
Your first year provides you with basic skills in planning and conducting (interdisciplinary) research, as a part of our Research and Methodology learning line. All students take the courses 'Academic Skills' and 'Introduction to Academic Research' and then select a discipline-specific research methods course of their choice.
Students explore the multidisciplinary fields of the Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities, starting in semester one with Challenges of Modern Society as well as two LAS electives. These electives introduce you to interesting societal issues and at the same time gives a broad introduction to the majors. Tutor meetings help you consider courses and reflect on 'the bigger picture of your LAS program. Last but not least, you will conduct your first project in year one.
Year 2
In year two you gain more specialized knowledge in Research and Methodology. All students take Philosophy of Science, offering students opportunities to discuss, explore and reflect on histories, perspectives, and methodologies in the different disciplines. Students have declared a major or specialization and are filling out their program with electives. Students will apply methods and knowledge gained from the electives in a research-based project.
Year 3
In semester 1, you may choose to do a University Minor, a Personal Minor, or Study Abroad. The Minor can help you expand your profile within a discipline (if required to access a Master's program), or provide more breadth by exploring different disciplines or explicitly societal issues such as the Minors Entrepreneurship, Public Health, or Gender and Diversity in Science, Society, and Culture.
You will further develop and finalize your Major by taking a Capstone course, working on your Bachelor thesis, and carrying out your third-year project in collaboration with either UCG students or societal partners.
Program options
- Health and Life Sciences (specialization)
- Smart Technologies (specialization)
- Mind, Machines, and Morality (specialization)
- Mind and Behaviour (specialization)
- Societies and Cultures in Transition (specialization)
- Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (specialization)
- International Relations & International law (specialization)
- International Business & Entrepreneurship (specialization)
Study abroad
- Study abroad is recommended
- For an average of 20 weeks
- Maximum of 30 EC
We encourage our students to study their minor (30 EC) abroad in the 1st semester of year 3.
Career Opportunities
In Projects, UCG students collaborate with experts to tackle real-world issues. In this environment, UCG students learn to work with each other and draw from the knowledge of multiple academic fields.
This is unlike the training offered in another degree program. Our graduates are provided an excellent foundation from which to pursue further education or enter the workforce.
Graduates’ choice of specialization determines which master's programs to which they can apply. Our students are guided in these decisions by assigned academic staff.
At UCG, students can fulfill most subject requirements for further study. However, some vocational programs, such as law or clinical psychology, are likely to have additional requirements.
Furthermore, strong marketplace interest in Liberal Arts and Sciences graduates makes our students highly sought-after by employers around the globe.
Job examples
- Policy Advisor
- Scientific Researcher
- Entrepreneur
- Journalist
- Economist
- Psychologist