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University College Isle of Man


UCM has a long-standing reputation for excellence in training and education on the Island. We are proud to have inspired, challenged and empowered our students over the years to make a positive impact on the world around them. We offer a broad range of courses, which includes academic, vocational and professional options, as well as leisure and recreation. FURTHER EDUCATION Our further education courses cover a broad range of subject areas including: construction, business, administration and IT; art, design & media; engineering & manufacturing motor vehicles; hairdressing & beauty therapy; health & care; childcare; hospitality & catering; computing & IT; general studies and sport. For more information, please see our Further Education Guide and Further Education page.

UCM has a long-standing reputation for excellence in training and education on the Island. We are proud to have inspired, challenged and empowered our students over the years to make a positive impact on the world around them.

We offer a broad range of courses, which includes academic, vocational and professional options, as well as leisure and recreation.


The purpose of this programme is to give 14 to 16-year old school pupils the opportunity to gain a greater understanding of vocational education and the career opportunities that are available on the island. We collaborate with local schools, in order to encourage and enable progression in education amongst youth. The pupils attend College for half a day a week for two years. For more information, please see our 14-16 Guide for 2021.


Our further education courses cover a broad range of subject areas including: construction, business, administration and IT; art, design & media; engineering & manufacturing motor vehicles; hairdressing & beauty therapy; health & care; childcare; hospitality & catering; computing & IT; general studies and sport. For more information, please see our Further Education Guide and Further Education page.


Our higher education provision includes HNCs, HNDs and an MBA. Degree level courses are offered in conjunction with the University of Chester. Please see our Higher Education Guide or our Higher Education page for more information.


We work together with local employers to provide apprenticeship programmes that cover almost all the sectors on-Island. These schemes are developed with students and employers in mind, ensuring that the skills gained whilst on an apprenticeship not only support employers, but also provide the apprentice with the skills and knowledge required for them to progress in their careers. For more information, please visit our apprenticeships page.


We also offer a wide range of courses across many subject areas with the aim of supporting collaboration with businesses across the Island. We offer the following to businesses:

Core Services to Business training courses. This covers business enterprise; compliance and legislation; health, care and wellbeing; technical, and experienced construction contractor courses.

Bespoke training.

Use of our facilities and services.

Research opportunities.

Access to grants and funding information.

Please see our Services to Business page for more details.


Our Leisure Course Guide details over 200 courses for adults that cover a wide variety of topics including: business & technology; cookery & cake decorating; creative arts; general interest; health & well-being; and languages.

Please see our NEW Leisure Course guide for 2020/2021 or explore our Leisure page for more details.


We are responsible for the provision of education in the Isle of Man Prison. The aim of prison education is to reduce levels of reoffending through the learning and development of key academic skills which provide valuable transferable knowledge when seeking employment after release. Each student’s Individual Learning Plan focuses on successful resettlement and encourages them to make a productive contribution to society.


We supervise all elements of the examinations process at UCM, from registration to certification, to ensure a smooth and stress free examination experience for all of our students across the various courses and curricula. For more information, please see our Exam Service page.

  • Douglas

    Homefield Road, IM2 6RB, Douglas

    University College Isle of Man