Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology
Kalundborg, Denmark
7 Semesters
Full time
15 Mar 2025*
01 Sep 2025
EUR 7,602 / per semester **
* Available seats will be announced on phabsalon.dk on 28 July each year
** Applicants who are citizens in an EU or EEA country have access to free higher education in Denmark and therefore do not need to pay tuition fee.
Our Bachelor Programme of Engineering in Biotechnology combines biology, chemistry and science of engineering.
During the studies you will learn to apply in depth knowledge of biochemical and biotechnological processes associated with the production of drugs (medicine), the food industry and environmental challenges.
You will get acquainted with methods used in the field of biotechnology in industrial production.
You will also obtain knowledge of engineering principles relevant to the processing of materials by microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses) or plant and animal cells to create useful products or industrial processes.
Join our online deep-dive meeting concerning subject expectations, requirements etc. 19 Februrary
Scholarships and Funding
Absalon will not be able to offer any types of scholarships.
Online Deep-dive 19. February 4PM (Copenhagen Time)
Learn more about the expectations in main subjects, admission requirements, documentations etc.
The degree focuses on biotechnology, for example how cells are used as small factories in the production of medicine and food, or how they are used in the purification of wastewater or converting waste into energy - biofuels.
You will gain theoretical knowledge within biotechnology and will be working with the following disciplines:
- Cell and microbiology
- Biotechnology and protein chemistry
- General and technical chemistry
- Mathematics and statistics
Moreover, you will get acquainted with a line of technical subjects such as chemical unit operations, practical regulation, fermentation and chemical reaction engineering.
From the very beginning of your education, you will start bridging theory and practice, integrating obtained theoretical knowledge with real-life professional practice. Our Bachelor of Engineering program is based on the close cooperation with local companies – bio manufacturing market leaders such as Novo Nordisk, Novozymes, Unibio, Kalundborg Refinery, Kalundborg Utility etc.
Close cooperation with biotech companies
The programme has a close cooperation with the local biotech companies in Kalundborg and throughout the education you will work with authentic issues from the companies' production environment, go on company visits,and not least meet the biotech companies during your internship.
In the last year and a half of your studies you will have elective courses, an internship and the bachelor project where it will be possible for you to have a custom made process with the companies in and around Kalundborg.
Focus your studies through elective courses
With elective courses it is possible for you to focus even more on your specific interests e.g. within areas like:
- Mathematics 2
- Reactor Technology
- Biorefinery Technology
- Molecular biology 2
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Production and business management
- Project management
Program Outcome
Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
As a Bachelor of Engineering in Biotechnology you acquire a wide range of career opportunities in the global job market - in Denmark and abroad.
You will obtain competences within production and development involving biotechnological processes. It could be solving tasks within the fields of chemical engineering, pharmaceutical science, food technology, quality assurance and control, environmental chemistry, and energy optimization. All areas covering scopes of food, feed and pharmaceutical production as well as the environmental and energy sectors.
You will qualify for a position as e.g., operational, production or quality engineer working with process control and regulation based on chemical, physical and biological data and analysis. Development and optimization of production processes could also be one of your areas of responsibility.
Moreover, you can also work within research and development, as a consultant or within public administration handling e.g. environmental or regulatory affairs.
Study a Master's degree in Kalundborg
After 3½ years of studies, you can apply directly for a job or you can add on a master's degree. In 2023 DTU has opened a 4 year Master in Biotechnology in Kalundborg, and from 2024 University of Copenhagen will open a 2 year Master within Biosolutions, making it possible to continue your studies in the Biotech City.
Student job opportunities
Every autumn semester, Centre for Engineering and Science organizes a student job fair along with Kalundborg municipality, Kalundborg Business Council and local businesses. Here, our aim is to provide study relevant student jobs for our students though we cannot guarantee student jobs for everyone.
Student Testimonials
Program delivery
An attractive education in the Biotech City Kalundborg
Kalundborg is known as the Biotech City of Denmark due to the large number of biotechnological and mechanical engineering companies located in the area. In Kalundborg you will find the world's largest insulin production company, the world's largest enzyme production, Denmark's largest refinery, the world's first indutrial symbiosis and not least some of the best engineers in the world. You will meet all of this through your educaton e.g. through project work, company visits, guest lecturers, a mentor arrangement and in the internship.
3 1/2 years including a 5 months internship in 6th semester
Study start
September 1st. If this is in a weekend, study start will be on the following Monday.
Study in Danish or English.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.