University Centre West Anglia
University Centre West Anglia is a joint partnership between Anglia Ruskin University and the College of West Anglia. Located in the heart of the historic town of King's Lynn, this is the largest campus of the group that includes sites at Isle Campus (Wisbech) and Milton (outskirts of Cambridge).
The College of West Anglia has excellent facilities, including a state of the art e-learning centre, multi-gym and sports centre, restaurant, coffee shop and children's centre (nursery). There is also provided for further opportunity to study at Isle Campus and Milton.
Anglia Ruskin University was awarded university status in 1992. Today, with a student population of 31,000, we are one of the largest universities in the East of England and a large provider of part-time education.
Our students are on courses leading to undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, as well as to a range of professional qualifications. In addition to being one of the most significant suppliers of nurses and teachers to the professions, we offer an ever-expanding range of contemporary courses designed to meet the needs of the individual and the requirements of a knowledge-based economy.
Our main campuses at Cambridge and Chelmsford attract students not only from the East of England but in increasing numbers from mainland Europe and from further afield. In addition, our University has an extensive network of contacts with institutions throughout the world, delivering courses in countries as far removed as Malaysia and Trinidad.
Our vision and values
In terms of vision and values we seek to build our reputation on the following:
- We are passionate about the advancement of knowledge and the education of students.
- We take university education in imaginative new directions.
- We are important to the region and want to be viewed in the UK and internationally as exceptional.
- Our key contribution is to the enhancement of social, cultural and economic wellbeing.
- Specifically, we are working to ensure that:
- More than 90% of our students will succeed, be satisfied, and will recommend us to a friend.
- The Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) Survey will report that 95% of students are in work or further study six months after leaving us; our graduates' earnings will match average graduate earnings, and 7% of students will leave us to start their own businesses.
- All judgements of our academic quality and reputation show continuous improvement and at least 95% of all external assessments are positive, including those of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies.
- Every member of academic staff will be engaged in research or current professional practice in their academic discipline.
- Our Research Institutes ( The Childhood and Youth Research Institute; The Cultures of the Digital Economy; The Institute for International Management Practice; The Postgraduate Medical Institute; and the Global Sustainability Institute) will have national recognition.
- More than 90% of staff will find their work satisfying, will recommend working here with friends or family, and will receive job-related training and development each year.
- Students will use the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) on a daily basis, sustainability will be a feature of their experience, and most full-time campus students will be involved in activity outside the academic curriculum.
- To enable our academic programme to be administered and delivered affordably at home and abroad, face-to-face and online, we will maximise its efficiency through the use of student and staff friendly online systems. We shall strive to exceed national and sector benchmarks for the sustainability of our buildings and processes.
- We will become a leading UK provider of Professional Doctorates, work-based learning and the Accreditation of Prior Learning.
- 20% of our campus-based students are from outside the EU and we educate an equal number of students both on-site and off-site.
- 20% of our activity worldwide will be at a postgraduate level and we will award at least 50 PhDs across at least 10 disciplines each year.
- The number of organisations we work with will grow by 5% a year, as will our external commercial earnings, while profitability will remain at least at 10%. We will mainstream our not for profit sector development work and expand activity in this area so as to become a recognised centre of excellence.
- Establish a Business Innovation Centre ( to support the growth of new businesses based on ideas emanating from both inside Anglia Ruskin University and in the broader community we serve) which we manage and for which we provide academic support.
- We will investigate, and if feasible, establish a 'Med Tech Campus' in Essex, a Science Park which uses its connections with Anglia Ruskin University ( particularly the Postgraduate Medical Institute) to attract local and international businesses to relocate to Essex because of the supply of high-quality graduates and our related research base.
- We will increase our engagement with local communities, including those associated with our international partnerships.
- Cambridge
University Centre West Anglia East Road , CB1 1PT, Cambridge