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Université Sainte-Anne


Who are we?

Université Sainte-Anne is the only French-language post-secondary institution in Nova Scotia.

It offers university and college programs as well as customized immersion and training programs in French as a second language. Recognized for the excellence of its programs and its unique and exceptional living environment, it offers experiential learning opportunities that foster student engagement and success, and a context for building a culture of excellence in learning. research and development. Resolutely anchored in her community, she is a partner of choice to increase the vitality of the regions surrounding her campuses and the Acadian region of Nova Scotia as a whole.

Université Sainte-Anne provides education through its five campuses in Halifax, Petit-de-Grat, Church Point, Saint-Joseph-du-Moine and Tusket, Nova Scotia. Its main campus is located in Pointe-de-l'Église.

Studying in French

Université Sainte-Anne offers Acadians and students of all origins the opportunity to pursue their post-secondary studies in a context that fosters a flourishing Francophone culture and enhances the French language.

At Université Sainte-Anne , courses (with the exception of English courses and some courses offered in continuing education) are offered in French and the textbooks are, as often as possible, in French. The official language of work is French for administrators, teachers, students and support staff.

All students at Université Sainte-Anne must take into account the fact that the language of use is French on campus and that only a personal commitment to respect this policy guarantees and protects the Francophone character of the institution.


Université Sainte-Anne is a flagship institution of the Canadian Francophonie, recognized for the excellence of its programs, its unique and exceptional living environment and the successes of its graduates.


Anchored in Acadia in Nova Scotia *, focused on community development and open to the world, Université Sainte-Anne offers a personalized approach and a unique opportunity to learn, discover and develop in French.

* Acadia of Nova Scotia includes any person, organization or institution involved in the project to support the French language, culture and Acadian and Francophone communities in Nova Scotia (Acadians, other Francophones, Anglophones and Allophones ).


  • Students at the heart of our mission and our actions
  • French language, Acadian culture and Francophonie
  • Academic excellence (teaching, research and development)
  • Life quality
  • The culture of success
  • Accountability and transparency
  • Environment and sustainable development
  • The leadership
  • Openness to Canada's two official language communities
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Church Point

    Université Sainte-Anne Siège social : 1695, route 1 Pointe-de-l'Église (Nouvelle-Écosse) B0W 1M0, CANADA, B0W 1M0, Church Point



Université Sainte-Anne