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Universitas Sriwijaya

One of the goals of higher education is to produce graduates who can carry out development in accordance with the needs of national development. Because the need for national development is not something static, meaning that it will always change according to changes in regional and global situations, universities are also required to constantly change and adapt to changing needs and development, in addition to adjusting to developments in science, technology, arts and world information.

This is the main challenge facing Indonesian higher education entering the XXI century, which will begin with the era of free competition and regional market openness (ASEAN Free Trade Area: AFTA) and then free competition and the openness of the Asia Pacific market (Asia Pacific Economic Corporation: APEC) ) year 2020.

The wind of "Market Openness" seems to be starting to touch Unsri. The demand to attend education in Unsri from prospective foreign students has begun to increase in recent years. This is both an exciting and challenging phenomenon. "It is encouraging", because Unsri has begun to be considered a quality university to be attracted by prospective students from abroad. "Challenges", because this requires improvement, enhancement and institutional development in all aspects so that UNSRI's academic standards are truly equivalent to overseas universities at least in the regional area.

  • Palembang

    Palembang, Indonesia

    Universitas Sriwijaya