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Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) BSc - Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC)

BSc - Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Paris, France

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Sep 2024

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BSc - Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

The subject area of mechanics provides teaching in the engineering sciences and, more particularly, in the fields of the mechanics of fluids and energetics, the engineering of structures and materials, acoustics, robotics, industrial automation or civil engineering.

In the second year of the licence, scientific teaching is reinforced in four fundamental disciplines - mathematics, physics, computer science and mechanics. In the fourth semester, through a choice of optional teaching, students are introduced to the different domains of application of mechanics.

In the third year, according to students’ tastes, a specialisation is offered in one of the four programmes of study within the subject area. Two of these programmes of study lead to a master’s degree in engineering sciences (SDI – sciences de l’ingénieur):

  • Mechanics and modelling
  • Mechanics and technologies (organised in partnership with ENS of Cachan)

There are two other professional training programmes, involving alternating periods of university lectures and work placements and apprenticeship:

  • Motor propellant group and its environment (GMPE – groupe motopropulseur et son environnement)
  • Industrial engineering (GI – génie industriel) with two options: innovation and industrial development (IDI – innovation et développement industriel) and international chargé d’affaires (CAI – chargé d’affaires international).


Further studies

A master’s in engineering sciences (SDI) in one or other of its two mechanics specialisations: mechanics of fluids, energetics and environment (MFE) and mechanics and materials and structures (MIS). These studies can also allow students to join an engineering school.

Professional integration

Areas of employment cover the industries of mechanics, metallurgy, process engineering, calculation centres, industrial development laboratories, the field of
transport, the automobile and aeronautical industries or also energy production.


Obtaining a level L2 requires the acquisition of 7 teaching units (TU) in mechanics (18 ECTS), mathematics (12 ECTS), physics (6 ECTS), computer science (6 ECTS) and of 4 optional teaching units (15 ECTS) and 1 teaching unit in a language (3 ECTS).

Mechanics and modelling programme

Level L3 consists of 9 TU in mechanics (33 ECTS), mathematics (6 ECTS) and digital methods (12 ECTS), 1 optional unit (6 ECTS) and 1 language and professional integration unit (3 ECTS).

Mechanics and technologies programme

Level L3 consists of 7 TUs in mechanics (21 ECTS), technologies (15 ECTS), mathematics (6 ECTS) and digital methods (6 ECTS), 3 optional units (9 ECTS) and 1 language and professional integration unit (3 ECTS).

Well-targeted public

– Entry into level L2 is open to students who have done a programme of study in mathematics, computer science, mechanics, electronics (MIME) and physics, chemistry, mechanics, electronics (PCME) in the integration cycle of UPMC or students who have done a programme of study that is judged to be equivalent in another establishment.

– Entry into level L3 assumes the acquisition of level L2 at UPMC or another university.

– Students who have done one or two years of preparatory classes for the grandes écoles, holders of a DUT and BTS and students who have done a multi-disciplinary scientific programme of study after the baccalauréat can enter at level L2 or L3 after their application has been examined.

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