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Universidade Vale do Rio Doce (UNIVALE)

The commitment to regional development made by the University Vale do Rio Doce (Univale) is reflected in its activities. Daily, Univale works to meet community needs, reaffirming its identity Community College. That's how she qualifies as a partner of the local productive sector for the promotion of social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Since its inception in 1967, when it was still Univale Minas embryo Institute of Technology (MIT), Percival Farquhar Foundation (FPF) is present in the building history of the Higher Education Institution (HEI). The Univale reflects the achievement of the desired dream for a long pioneers who, with eyes on the future, were able to give a consolidated university in the regional scenario.

Teaching, Research and Extension are the basis of Univale that is always focused on the training of skilled workers for the labor market. Offering an academic structure in line with this objective, the Univale maintains more than 27 undergraduate programs, offering extension courses and graduate broad sense.

The Univale still has two Master's programs. The MSc in Biological Sciences, launched in 2005, has as its area of ​​concentration Immunopathology of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. But the Master of Spatial Integrated Management reflects the avant-garde vision of Univale through a pioneering interdisciplinary approach and unique in the country, launched in 2008.

Always attentive to regional needs, is an encouraging Univale University of sports and cultural education, always focused on regional aspects to promote growth. With projects and community action programs and services, the Univale contributes to the construction of a road that leads to the transformation of reality.

  • Governador Valadares

    Rua Juiz de Paz José Lemos, 279 - Bairro Vila Bretas - CEP: 35030-260, , Governador Valadares

    Universidade Vale do Rio Doce (UNIVALE)