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Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (UNIMES)

The CEUBAN - Center Unified Bandeirante began its activities on June 20, 1968, under its former name of Civil Society of Physical Education Santos.

• In April 1969, it was created its first faculty - Faculty of Physical Education, which worked on the premises of the Brazil Football Club. Currently, the Faculty of Physical Education - FEFIS is installed on Campus II (Av. Cons. Nébias, 536); • From 1972, it began operating the College of Education and Human Sciences "Prof. Laertes de Carvalho "offering courses in Pedagogy and Social Studies. In the same year, he started the School of Business and Administrative Sciences of Santos, with courses in Business Administration and Business Administration with emphasis in International Trade, the first such course in the country; • In 1976, the institution created the School of Dentistry of Santos, offering the course of Dentistry and expertise in the areas of prosthesis, endodontics, orthodontics and pediatric dentistry. The Faculty of Dentistry, today, offers specialized courses in 12 areas, and rely on various types of clinics for dental care to the community, reaching an average of 500 procedures per day; • In the 80s, the UNIMES began to study Economics (86), within the administrative and academic structure of the Faculty of Administrative and Commercial Sciences. Even in 1986, made changes in the organizational structure, establishing the merger of the School of Business and Administrative Sciences of Santos with the Faculty of Economics. This coalition appears the School of Accounting; • In 1992 began offering another pioneering course in the region, the course Marketing. In 1996, he established the course in Business Administration with emphasis in Transport and Logistics. This year also started the School of Engineering and Technological Sciences, offering the Food Engineering courses, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Production Engineering (Chemistry); • Also in 1996, started the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, as well as the first University Hospital of Veterinary Medicine (HOVET), which currently operates on the premises of Campus IV Morro da Nova Cintra; • In 1997, it inaugurated its School of Law. In the same year (97), the institution began the activities of the Health Sciences Faculty at the School of Medicine. Medicine has become a generator core of knowledge, seeking to integrate teaching, research and continuing medical education in the region. Consolidating its operations in the field of health, in 2001, it was created the Nursing course that was offered from 2002.

In the post-graduate course, in addition to specialized courses that are targeted especially for the health sector, the Bank also started to offer courses in knowledge of new courses that were consolidated. In addition, UNIMES has a Master's degree (strictly speaking graduate) in Philosophy of Law and Diffuse and Collective Rights offered by the Law School.

  • Santos Dumont

    Campus Bandeirante I Rua da Constituição, nº 374 Vila Nova – Santos – SP CEP 11015-470, , Santos Dumont

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    Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (UNIMES)