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Universidade de Sorocaba (UNISO)

The University of Sorocaba - Uniso is a Community University, regional, non denominational, quality, the first seed was the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Sorocaba, established in 1951, which began to function effectively in 1954 with two courses: Pedagogy and Neo-Latin letters, and only 27 students.

Today, the Uniso has more than 60 undergraduate, offers post-graduation courses and the strict sense, and extension courses. His students come from 70 cities located within a radius of 100 km around Sorocaba, and are spread over three campuses: University City Teacher Aldo Vannucchi, opened in 1999; Trujillo campus where the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters was established in 1954; and campus Seminar since 1994.

Within the organization of the National Higher Education, the Uniso is designed as University: Community, both for the property to the management, it is owned by the community and not the state or private. Therefore, to manage it, besides the Superior Council of its authority Maintainer, chaired by the Sorocaba Archdiocese Archbishop and integrated by eight categorized members sorocabana society, Uniso has internal boards, including the University Council - Consultant , made up of leaders, teachers, students and staff of the institution, representatives of its Maintainer Entity, City Hall, City Hall, the Bar Association of Brazil - Brazilian Bar Association and the Center of São Paulo State Industries - Ciesp. Community being the Uniso exists to serve it effectively, through strict management and always updated.

Non-denominational, ie, although its body Maintainer has been established by the Bishopric of Sorocaba, Uniso is not owned by the Catholic Church or academic proposal is bound by it, but is inspired by Christian values.

Regional, but without losing its universal character, the Uniso is attentive to the characteristics and needs of the Sorocaba region. In this region, the Uniso is increasingly inserted, producing and disseminating knowledge, with social effectiveness as a powerful agent of operationalization of the basic expectations of the regional community.

Quality, ie scaled by the search for a constant and significant achievement of the universality of knowledge and coherence with its pedagogical project guided by the criteria of assessment of the relevant bodies and not by the mere quantitative growth.

  • Sorocaba

    Rod. Raposo Tavares, s/n - Vila Artura, Sorocaba - SP, 18023-000, Brazil, , Sorocaba



    Universidade de Sorocaba (UNISO)