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Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE)

The institution brings in its history of nearly 50 years, concern about the construction of knowledge of their academic, and be prepared to streamline the learning process. Adept at modern conception of teaching that values ​​the social interest, respects individual differences and promotes collective action and interdisciplinary projects, within a universe characterized by enriching coexistence of cultural diversity.

The Univille recognizes that his perspective increases whenever respects and accepts differences. Plural like life, understand that an environment with diversity of ideas, cultures, beliefs and knowledge provides balance and opportunities universe.

The University believes that wisdom is acquired over time, in overcoming challenges and transmission of knowledge, so it encourages people to live their experiences and discover the plethora of knowledge that is in every way.

The Univille, every day, encourages people to meet and achieve their goals. Understands that everything has its reason for being and, through the diversity of ideas and cultures, he believes that people can discover and build their true purpose.

The University contemplating the formation of the college to doctorate and is the only university in the north of Santa Catarina. In 50 years of history, has consolidated its role as reference in teaching and as opinion forming on the main challenges of the local community.

Be Univille you too!

Mission, Vision and Principles


Promote humanistic and vocational training reference for society, working in teaching, research and extension and contribute to sustainable development.

Vision It is nationally recognized as a community college, sustainable, innovative, internationalized and reference in teaching, research and extension.

Institutional Values ​​and Principles

Citizenship: autonomy, commitment, motivation, well-being and responsible democratic participation promote personal and social development.

Integration: cooperative and collaborative action with the internal and external communities build the common good.

Innovation: the power to generate and transform scientific knowledge into sustainable solutions to internal and external environments contributes to socioeconomic development.

Environmental responsibility: management of resources and actions committed to the environmental balance favoring improved quality of life.


Produce and disseminate scientific, technological, artistic and cultural aimed at social good. Innovate responsibly, to expand the accessibility and the student's stay in the institution. Undertake management actions seeking to improve the quality of working life. Integrate new concepts and technologies to educational processes, research and extension. Develop and improve the critical, investigative and interactive spirit with the internal and external communities.

  • Joinville

    R. Ministro Calógeras, 439 - Centro Joinville - SC, , Joinville

    Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE)