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Universidade Castelo Branco

The Centro Educacional Realengo - CER, Maintaining Entity of Universidade Castelo Branco - UCB, had its origin in the Center for University Studies Paulo Gissoni, founded on 3/7/1971. As decided by the Extraordinary General Meeting, held on February 23, 1973, the Entity changed its name to Centro Educacional de Realengo, settling on Av. Santa Cruz 1.631, Realengo, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The first higher education courses were authorized to operate with the creation of the Faculty of Education, Sciences and Letters Marechal Castelo Branco, on 9/10/1973, and the Faculty of Physical Education of Guanabara, on 7/11/1973. In 1976, the two faculties started to constitute the Integrated Faculties Castelo Branco - FICAB, with the approval of the Unified Regiment by the opinion CFE nº 2903/71, of 7/1/1975, followed by the recognition on 12/15 / 1976 of the courses that were initially installed. With the implementation of FICAB, the development of the facilities in Realengo begins. Until the end of the 1980s, other courses joined the already traditional Letters and Physical Education, such as Mathematics, Pedagogy, Physiotherapy, Social Work, Administration and Informatics. However, the Gissoni family wanted to go further: offering education as a universal endeavor in its wide range of possibilities and learning about new demands and specializations.

  • Rio de Janeiro

    Avenida Santa Cruz, 1631 Realengo, 21710-255, Rio de Janeiro

  • Rio de Janeiro

    Avenida Brasil, 9727 Penha, 21030-000, Rio de Janeiro

    Universidade Castelo Branco