Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business
4 Years
English, Spanish
Full time
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Distance Learning, On-Campus
You will complement your Bachelor's Degree with a Diploma in Business Analytics. Boost your professional future
It is one of the degrees with greater employability in the global market because it combines the skills and knowledge to master international business, along with the ability to analyze and make decisions derived from the economy.
The Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business from Nebrija University includes the management of the prestigious and exclusive EIKON software, by Thomson Reuters, which allows one to know in real-time all the relevant financial information in world markets.
Nebrija's commitment to the employability of our students is reflected in the Diploma in Business Analytics, an ideal complement to the Bachelor's Degree for students to enhance their professional profile and specialize in data analysis and its application to the business sector.
The Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business from Nebrija University provides the essential skills, internships, and specialization for students seeking a future as international business executives.
In addition to the acquisition of theoretical foundations for decision-making, financial accounting, income determination model in an open economy, money, inflation, unemployment, growth and economic policy instruments, basic business theory, national and international economic reality, productive sectors, public sector, economic institutions and their evolution, basic legal order of the institutions of civil, commercial, labor and fiscal law, the curriculum addresses instrumental knowledge, such as linear algebra, differential and integral calculus, statistics, econometrics, probability, simple and multivariable regression models.
Economic relations become more complex and generate abundant data that must be processed and interpreted to explain the relevant facts and anticipate the course of events. This exclusive Bachelor's Degree encourages talent to carry out operations at an international level, manage and carry out strategies to respond to the complexity of international business, promoting, developing, and fomenting internationality.
Professional internships in the best companies in the sector
International Experience
Suffolk University Boston (United States), Regent’s University London (United Kingdom), and Dublin University (Ireland) are some of the universities where students can take part in their studies.
Prestigious Partners
Acciona, BBVA, Santander, and Repsol are some of the companies and institutions that endorse the curriculum and offer students of the Degree the possibility of carrying out professional internships.
Complementary Activities
The program includes first-rate lectures and conferences, both from the world of economics and international business, as well as visits to institutions, organizations, and companies, giving the Bachelor's degree a very high level of practicality.
Diploma in Business Analytics
Students will complement their Bachelor's Degree with a Diploma in Business Analytics of 24 ECTS credits, in which they will develop competencies in data analysis and its application to the business sector. A differentiating element in their professional profile that will prepare them for the company of the future.
Ideal Students
Student profile
The profile of the student who wishes to study for an Undergraduate Degree in Economics and International Business at Nebrija University must be that of a person interested in acquiring a solid education in the field of Economics and International Business. Students with an international vocation and with a projection towards the analysis of the economic environment and business management, with distinct communication and leadership skills. It is directed at both young people who have recently completed pre-university studies, as well as professionals who wish to expand or complete their training and who have the skills and abilities to make studying compatible with carrying out their profession.
Graduate profile
The graduates of the Undergraduate Degree in Economics and International Business have a broad education that includes different perspectives and covers different areas related, in this case, to the economic world, but without losing sight of the social reality in which they are immersed. Economists understand social inequalities, the non-economic aspects of economic crises, the relations between production and exchange, and many other aspects that have more social connection than one might at first notice.
General competences
- GC1 Manage, organize and properly plan time.
- GC2 Develop interpersonal skills: empathy, tolerance, and respect for diversity.
- GC3 Develop the ability to learn and autonomy in learning.
- GC4 Master the economic and business terminology, and use it in the appropriate contexts.
- GC5 Be able to adapt to new situations.
- GC6 Be able to adapt to new situations.
- GC7 Identify the relevant elements for decision-making.
- GC8 Apply knowledge in practice, obtaining results that lead to problem-solving, specifically in the field of economics and international business.
- GC9 Develop critical reasoning.
- GC10 Seek excellence and quality in the development of tasks.
- GC11 Actively participates in interdisciplinary and international teams.
Specific competences
- SC1 Identify the sources of relevant economic information and their content.
- SC2 Know the legal and economic foundations of business activity.
- SC3 Identify relevant economic problems about the allocation of resources in general.
- SC4 Provides rationality to the analysis and description of any aspect of economic reality.
- SC5 Evaluate the consequences of different action alternatives and select the best ones given the objectives.
- SC6 Issue advisory reports on specific situations of the economy (international, national, or regional) or its sectors.
- SC7 Integrate into business management, understanding the variables that affect business and international transactions.
- SC8 Know and understand the functioning of the main European and international economic institutions.
- SC9 Apply appropriate quantitative methods to available data.
- SC10 Apply knowledge to diverse situations based on quantitative and qualitative information.
- SC11 Understand the importance of the appropriate conceptual framework to address an economic or business problem.
- SC12 Provides value to the management of an organization, understanding its purposes and its position within the market or context in which it is located.
- SC13 Analyze through relevant information (accounting, financial, strategic) the economic situation of companies.
- SC14 Receive and transmit information on economic aspects and international business management in English.
- SC15 Know and apply the tools to support management functions to define, implement, and control company policies.
- SC16 Know and use mathematical techniques that allow modeling and solving problems in the economic business field.
- SC17 Develop the ability to write technical reports based on the efficient use of computer programs and/or databases to solve problems.
- SC18 Know and handle the quantitative methods used as tools for economic analysis and international business.
- SC19 Know the principles and institutions of international law and analyze their interaction and equivalence between the different systems of law.
- SC20 Know the principles of international contracting, as well as its most common clauses and institutions.
- SC21 Know the functioning of the Spanish financial system, as well as the Spanish, European, and international regulatory bodies.
- SC22 Apply knowledge about the presentation of financial statements by International Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards.
- SC23 Use the techniques for analyzing economic information and making predictions that allow them to obtain and analyze information, evaluate its relevance and validity, synthesize it, and adapt it to an international context.
- SC24 Interpret and understand relevant business information, place it in context and use it in international business.
- SC25 Know and understand the main currents of economic thought and their development in the historical context, as well as the implications in the current context.
- SC26 Manage economic concepts, different theories, and areas of knowledge, as well as their application in practice.
- SC27 Apply analytical accounting tools to business management.
- SC28 Critically analyze the academic information that exists on the structure and current operation of international trade and business.
- SC29 Relate theoretical knowledge and academic information on international trade and business, with the world economic reality.
- SC30 Analyze and evaluate the economic situation of international trade and business and its different alternatives, for making decisions on international business opportunities.
Awards to Global Campus Nebrija
- Blackboard Catalyst Award 2021 in the category of "Leading to Change"
- Magisterio Award 2021
- Best University in Online Learning Ranking QS Stars
- Good Methodology Practice according to Cátedra UNESCO
- Success Story from Blackboard
- 6th Best Blog on eLearning for España and LATAM
- 4 awards in Education Excellence
- The Hybrid Presentiality educational model from Nebrija University recognized with the Blackboard Catalyst Awards
Employability Recognized in the Rankings
The commitment of Nebrija University to the academic requirements, training in leading companies and institutions, innovation in multidisciplinary programs, and international projection, places the University in the top positions of the most important rankings.
The International Ranking QS Stars awards Nebrija University the maximum score in the quality and satisfaction of students in teaching, the employability of the graduates, and the internationalization of the institution.
The national rankings also recognize Nebrija University as the first Spanish university in teaching and second in employability, highlighting its performance in research, knowledge transfer, and internationalization.
- Spanish Universities Ranking - Forbes University 2023
- U-Ranking of the BBVA Foundation and the Institute of Economic Research (IVIE)
- QS Stars International Ranking - QS World University Rankings 2022
- Ranking El Mundo 2023 - The Bachelor's and Master's Degrees at Nebrija University stand out among the best in Spain
- Ranking Global CEO Magazine - Nebrija Business School MBA Program
- Madri+d Foundation - DOCENTIA – NEBRIJA Model
- Ranking CYD of the Knowledge and Development Foundation
- Recognition from the Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT)
- Ranking of Spanish-Speaking Online Higher Education Institutions (FSO) 2023
- University Transparency Ranking 2019 of the Commitment and Transparency Foundation
- Innovation Ranking Universities
- Top 100 - Masters in Entrepreneurship
- Recognition from the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
- SUNEDU recognition as official title in Peru
Career Opportunities
This exclusive Degree encourages talent to carry out operations at an international level, manage and carry out strategies to respond to the complexity of international business, promoting, developing and fostering internationality.
Some of the usual destinations for graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics and International Business:
- Banco Santander
- Bankia
- Accenture
- PwC
- Repsol
- Acciona
- Banco de España
Some of the professions for graduates of the Nebrija University Degree:
- Economist
- Business executive
- Account Auditor
- Financial Advisor
- A person responsible for international trade
- Consultant
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.