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Universidad Loyola

Welcome to Universidad Loyola

Universidad Loyola is a social initiative of the Society of Jesus that is integrated into the Andalusian university system as the first private university of social initiative in the autonomous community.

Depository of the best Jesuit educational tradition, and of the values that have always distinguished it, Universidad Loyola is a firm commitment to the future, in these times of change and uncertainty, that wants to respond to the demand of all those who believe in the education as a guarantee for the future.

Our academic offer is directed to the training needs in the field of social sciences and technology. Our research vocation seeks to recognize us as a university of scientific production with a high social impact that proposes real solutions to the problems that affect our world. Training, Research and Service are the pillars on which Loyola is built.

Our Jesuit identity integrates us into a network of more than 230 university centers around the world with an unequivocal trajectory and prestige, from the United States to India and from Latin America to Japan, and endorses our social character, with which we want to train men and women committed to others.

Universidad Loyola is a university for everyone, where all those who recognize themselves in constant effort and in the search for excellence, professional and human, have a place.

Trustees of the Jesuit educational tradition

The Universidad Loyola has its origin in ETEA, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of Córdoba, with experience in higher education since 1963. The educational tradition of the Jesuits was born with the beginnings of the Society of Jesus in 1540. Its founder, Ignacio de Loyola, turned to serve society through education, dialogue and the encounter of faith with science.

The Company was the first religious order to found a university, the Roman College in 1551. Today there are 193 universities and university centers in more than 70 countries with more than 160,000 students of all faiths.

Identity and mission. Universidad Loyola Values

Our mission

Universidad Loyola has the mission of creating thought for the best and greatest service of humanity, forming men and women for others, committed to the problems of the world, and making all its activity a place of fruitful dialogue and meeting in which people of different cultures, beliefs and ideologies can live an inspired and committed life with others and with creation.

Our vision

Universidad Loyola aspires to be a Doctoral Research University, recognized for its academic and research excellence, inspired by faith and serving others. To be a Doctoral Research University in its activity and a Jesuit for its inspiration and way of proceeding.

A university that investigates and promotes the creation of knowledge about the needs and problems of today's world. A university that trains people who are agents of change, professionals committed to the development of a more humane, just and sustainable society. A university at the service of the closest society and of those who live in oppressed societies.

Our values

  • Passion to know
  • Excellence
  • Requirement
  • Service
  • Universality and openness
  • Commitment
  • Transcendence and spirituality

Universidad Loyola is integrated into UNIJES, a network of universities and university centers of the Society of Jesus in Spain.

    ¿Quieres estudiar en la Universidad Loyola?

    Solicitar tu admisión es muy sencillo. El proceso de admisión y su seguimiento se realizan de manera online desde nuestra web.

    Elige el tipo de estudios que quieres realizar y comienza el proceso.

    • Córdoba

      Calle Escritor Castilla Aguayo,4, 14004, Córdoba

      • Granada

        Calle Profesor Vicente Callao,15, 18011, Granada

        • Seville

          Seville, Spain

          Universidad Loyola