Degree in Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering
Santander, Spain
8 Semesters
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
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"The Universidad Europea del Atlántico has modern facilities that include technical laboratories"
The degree in Engineering of the Agricultural and Food Industries has a great career prospect given the growing demand for engineers specifically trained in this field. According to data from 2012 from the FDE (FoodDrinkEurope), the agri-food sector is the leader in employment at the European level, representing 15% of jobs and billing 6.8% more since 2009. The agri-food industries feel, more and more , the need to innovate and differentiate from the competition. To achieve this, they demand engineers specialized in this branch of knowledge and capable of facing the challenges of a globalized and constantly evolving market.
The UNEATLANTICO curriculum has a knowledge base from the branch of science and engineering that is completed with other subjects focused on the current needs of the agri-food industry; raw material production, food engineering and technology, and economics, organization and management. In addition, the Bachelor's degree in Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering qualifies for the exercise of the regulated profession of Agricultural Technical Engineer in its specialization in Agricultural and Food Industries.
The Universidad Europea del Atlántico has modern facilities that include technical laboratories (Biochemistry and Physiology, Bromatology and Food Technology, and Culinary Technology) where the student can widely develop the practical skills of the Degree and carry out transversal projects such as those that will be found later In the laboral world.
English at University
English, the key to your present and future
Currently, one of the essential tools in international communication, and the key that opens the possibilities to find a good job both in Spain and abroad, is English. In our country, 80% of job offers already require an excellent command of this language and, on many occasions, this criterion is imposed above others such as the record or professional career.
That is why at the Universidad Europea del Atlántico and the Degree in Agricultural and Food Industries Engineering, training in this language is promoted and a compulsory subject and two optional subjects of English are included in the study plan with the objective of that the student reaches a high level in this language. In addition, the international profile of the university promotes and facilitates the development of this language.
So that the previous level of English does not pose a barrier to access to studies, UNEATLANTICO provides personalized teaching, especially during the first year, so that all students achieve sufficient language skills in English with which to successfully pass the subjects of the career.
In this way, regardless of their starting level of English, with a global support plan based on tutorials, specific materials and very small work groups, the student can follow the classes in a Spanish / English bilingual system progressively and at At the end, they will have acquired bilingual skills for the exercise of their profession.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.