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Universidad CEU Fernando III

The Fernando III El Santo University Foundation, owner of the Universidad CEU Fernando III , the fourth CEU University in Spain, has its main headquarters at the CEU Andalucía University Campus, located in Bormujos (Seville). With a strategic location with respect to the capital of Andalusia and the rest of its provinces, it has areas for leisure, sports, nature and services, as well as a teaching building with spacious and modern facilities.

The CEU is characterized by academic excellence and comprehensive training, which are the foundation of an institution with more than 90 years of experience and educational centers distributed throughout the national territory: 4 Universities, 4 Professional Studies Centers, 10 Colleges, 2 Vniversitas, 10 Research Institutes, Postgraduate and Doctoral Centers, where more than 210,000 students have completed their studies and where currently 37,000 students fill their classes.

In the academic field, our centers are based on innovative pedagogical models, committed to internationalization, new technologies and proximity to the labor market of the various educational programs, related to as varied as, among others, Education, Sports, Law, Business, Health or Engineering.

We want our students to reach their full potential with quality education, excellence and values.

Mission and vision

Social improvement is the mission of the Fernando III El Santo University Foundation, through the Universidad CEU Fernando III , with an educational model based on the integral conception of the person. Likewise, the institution acts in the public sphere in favor of justice and the defense of human beings. The institution's objectives focus on achieving academic and professional excellence, innovating in its educational proposals and training students in human values and virtues.


Our Institution stands out for promoting the commitment of teachers and the thousands of students who attend our classrooms each year with the construction, from the perspective of Christian humanism, of a more just society. A society based on a model of a person that cultivates values such as sacrifice, effort, responsibility, a healthy critical spirit, solidarity, freedom of thought, the search for truth and permanent debate as fundamental pillars.

Gente CEU is, in short, a way of being and living that transcends the classroom and leaves its mark on all areas of life.

Rector's Presentation

The Universidad CEU Fernando III is committed to an academic model oriented towards excellence and the comprehensive training of its students, who, through practical training and thanks to the best material and human resources, will have access to the world of work and the international world. To this end, it will increase the current academic offering of CEU in Andalusia with degrees related to business, legal, technical, education and sports branches, which can be expanded in subsequent phases to health and humanistic ones.

Its objective is to link the CEU university tradition with the innovation characteristic of the most unique and advanced higher education projects, promoting a pedagogical proposal of excellence based on ethical values, with a high demand and added value offer.

It will constitute a space to attract and retain talent, which represents an opportunity for the multi-sector technological and business development of Andalusia, establishing itself as a center of thought at the service of society and an international educational reference from southern Europe.

It was born with the aim of adapting to the new demands of a university community that requires personalized attention, allowing it to face with full guarantees its future incorporation into a changing and increasingly demanding labor market.

It is oriented, therefore, to the comprehensive training of our students, to their employability, to quality teaching and research, to pedagogical innovation and with a regional, national and international vocation.

A university initiative also socially committed to defending the dignity of people and the values of Christian humanism, designed to provide high added value to the entire Andalusian University System, through collaborative work with the Administration and with all public sectors and private.

The Universidad CEU Fernando III is the fourth university of the CEU, the first Spanish educational group of social initiative, non-profit and with a very broad scholarship policy. Faithful to its history, it faces this project with a vocation for excellence, to offer a strong University, relevant for its students and families, educational authorities and for society as a whole and ambitious in the best sense of the word and that expresses the permanent desire of improvement characteristic of the CEU.

I am convinced that this new university will play a fundamental role in the cultural, economic and social development that Andalusia will experience in the coming years, promoting synergies in favor of excellence, thanks to the commitment and drive of our educational community and the support of society. Andalusian.

Welcome to Universidad CEU Fernando III , a space for the preparation of excellent professionals, but, above all, people of integrity, trained in the values of Christian humanism and willing to offer the best of their talent to improve our society.

  • +90 Years of teaching tradition
  • 9000 Agreements with companies
  • + 94% Job insertion
  • 1_Private University in Scholarships

    The admission process for the Universidad CEU Fernando III degrees is as follows:

    Basic Information And/or Visit to the Facilities

    The student can obtain the basic information of interest, both about the chosen degree and the University, through virtual channels or in person with a visit to the facilities included.

    Personal interview

    After the basic information obtained, the student will arrange an academic interview about the chosen degree.

    Seat reservation

    Once the interview has been completed, the student will be able to reserve a place through the specific platform.


    Once the student meets all the admission requirements, they will formalize their registration by completing the corresponding documentation.

    The Fernando III “el Santo” University Foundation, owner of the Universidad CEU Fernando III , aims to reward the effort, talent and desire for improvement of students. Its mission is to guarantee that the economic, personal or family situation is not an obstacle to achieving the proposed academic objectives.

    Below, the different calls for Grants and Scholarships are detailed, compatible and complementary with the application for the official Scholarships of the Ministry, as well as other public and private Scholarships.

    Aid and scholarships from the Foundation

    The Foundation's Scholarships and Aid Commission annually publishes the Call for Study Aid. These aids are governed by the following bases:


    • Be enrolled, in the course in question, in any of the degrees taught at the Universidad CEU Fernando III .
    • Have requested a scholarship from the Ministry of Education (MEC Scholarship) or Adriano Scholarship in the course in question.
    • Applicants who allege an economic and/or family situation that justifies the need for Aid.
    • Have a good academic record.
      • For 1st year students enrolled in the Master's degree, they must have obtained at least a 6.5 average access grade.
      • For 1st year undergraduate students, if their access route was the PEvAU, they must have obtained at least a 7 average access grade. If your access route was FP, you must have obtained at least a 7 average access grade.
      • For students in the 2nd year or subsequent years of the Degree, have an academic average of 6.5 and have no pending subjects from previous courses.


    Those interested must submit their application online at the link that will be announced in a timely manner. To access you must enter with your usual passwords.
    The student must collect and scan, legibly, in PDF format, all the necessary documentation to be able to attach it to the application.


    The deadline for submitting Applications will be published annually during the first quarter of the course.

    Collaboration and research scholarships

    The University's Scholarships and Aid Commission annually announces the Foundation's Collaboration and Research Scholarships. For the granting of the Scholarships, as well as for the amount thereof, the established grading criteria will be followed. These Scholarships will be governed by the criteria detailed below, with two types of Scholarships:

    • Collaboration and Research internal student.
    • Collaboration and Research Scholar.

    Collaboration and Research internal student

    Those who meet the following requirements may be boarding students.

    • Be enrolled in the course in question, in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of the Degree.
    • Have passed all the credits enrolled in the previous course. (No subject fails in the previous year).

    At the end of the collaboration and/or research period, the student is given a certificate of their work on the project. This scholarship has no financial benefit.

    Collaboration and Research Scholar

    Those who meet the following general requirements may apply for this Scholarship:

    • Be enrolled in the course in question, in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of the Degree.
    • Have enjoyed the previous Foundation Aid course (Exceptionally, it is accepted not to meet this requirement, justifying the change in economic situation).
    • Have passed all the credits enrolled in the previous course. (No subject fails in the previous year).
    • Not having obtained negative reports in previous Collaboration/Research Grants.
    • Each research project may have its own requirements that the student must meet to be admitted.

    Collaboration scholarship recipients must complete 60 hours of collaboration and/or research in the project, which includes hours of support from Institutional Acts. At the end of the collaboration and/or research period, the student is given a certificate of their work on the project. The financial amount of this aid will be approved, for each academic year, by the Foundation's Aid and Scholarship Committee and will be applied by deducting this amount from the student's fees as long as the final report is favorable.

    • Bormujos

      Glorieta Ángel Herrera Oria, s/n, 41930, Bormujos

    Universidad CEU Fernando III