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Universidad CAECE

The University began its activity in April 1967. After quickly obtaining provisional recognition from the Ministry of Education of the Nation, it launched its first careers: Bachelor's degrees in Mathematics and Systems. Ten years later he opened the Bachelor's degrees in Biological Sciences and in Pedagogical Sciences. Within the area of Pedagogical Sciences the Bachelor's Degree in Psychopedagogy was dictated. After a long process started in 1978, which included several inspections and the presentation of extensive and extensive documentation, the Universidad CAECE obtained the definitive recognition of the Ministry of Culture and Education, which has an important significance for private universities, since It gives them an autonomy similar to that of state universities. "CAECE" was initially the abbreviation of "Center for Higher Studies in Exact Sciences", but later the incorporation of new careers made such a name inappropriate. For this reason, the word "CAECE" was adopted as the name of the University, without abbreviation points, and the long previous name was left aside.

In order to extend the academic service to other major cities in the country, in 1993 an academic collaboration agreement was signed with the Mar del Plata Stock Exchange Foundation, which began academic activities in 1996. This process was consolidated with the authorization of the Ministry of Education of the Nation to establish a university headquarters in the city of Mar del Plata in 1997. There the careers of Public Translator in English Language, Public Accountant, Systems Engineering and Bachelor of Systems are dictated , Tourism, Public and Institutional Relations, Marketing, Hotel Administration, Business Administration, Graphic Design and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. In 1998, the Universidad CAECE incorporated Bachelor's degrees in Teaching for teachers that allow middle-level teachers to access a university degree. The expansion of the academic offer continued with the creation of various careers, including Systems Engineering and degrees in Environmental Management, Psychomotricity, Psychology, and Business and Systems Management, among others.

  • Buenos Aires

    Av. de Mayo 866, , Buenos Aires

    • Mar del Plata

      Olavarría 2464, , Mar del Plata

      Universidad CAECE