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Centro Universitário Una

Best Private University Center of Mines (MEC / INEP)

With a vibrant and innovative approach, the University Center Una is the 3rd year, Best Private University Center of Mines and, for the 4th consecutive year, Best Private University Center of BH; according to the assessment of the IGC (General Course Index) published by the Ministry of Education (INEP / MEC) in Dec / 2014 - the main national indicator of quality in higher education in Brazil.

The index, which ranges from 1 to 5, takes into account the performance of students in Enade (National Examination of Student Performance), evaluation of the infrastructure of faculties and the degree of training of the faculty.

Are 53 years offering a solid professional training through a different learning process. Our faculty is composed of masters and doctors of recognized academic competence and market and our education program is modern, targeting and always promoting the development of autonomy and the students' decision-making capacity, and provide the experience of the working world in room of class.

Una also invests in personal and professional development of its students (only in the 2nd half of 2014, 1,267 students were hired by 713 partner companies) also through the Outreach Program, which helps with educational character actions, social, cultural, scientific and technology.

This dedication and commitment to transform the country for education is reflected in the results: several courses are scored on Publishing Student's Guide April (with 55 stars, the largest amount since 2009; record in the edition 2015 Guide) and the University Ranking Sheet São Paulo - RUF.

The same academic excellence in the areas of humanities, applied social sciences, life sciences and health, communication and arts, makes the Una national reference in technological graduation, through the Institute Una Technology (Unatec). An innovative proposal for graduation for anyone with credibility and quickly live up to new professional challenges. In line with the market, the courses include training of a professional must be able to develop fully and innovative way, activities in a particular professional area.

Our Graduate Program offers over 100 specialized courses and two master's degrees in Management and Social Management, Education and Local Development-ranked among the best in Brazil by the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination (CAPES). Also MBAs are among the best in Latin America, according to the Journal AmericaEconomia (2012).

In 2014, we further strengthened in the Brazilian education scene with the launch of our undergraduate and graduate 100% the distance. Now, we offer borderless education in much of the country, with centers located in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and in the Northeast. Among the advantages are our innovative methodology, a personalized and high standard relationship with our students and focus on career and professional development.

We have 12 units located at strategic points in the cities of Belo Horizonte, Betim, Contagem, Divinópolis and Sete Lagoas, offering courses, classroom and distance, Bachelor, Bachelor, Technology Undergraduate, Graduate, and technical courses offered through Pronatec - National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment, the Federal Government. The units have modern academic spaces, laboratories for practical activity, relationship areas and prime location.

Una is also elected one of the 100 best places to work in Brazil, for the 4th consecutive year (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014), the GPTW Institute / Journal Times. In 2014, a survey conducted by GPTW in partnership with the Estado de Minas newspaper, the magazine Encounter and ABRH-MG, the University Center was elected also one of the 30 best companies to work in Minas Gerais. These achievements were only possible with a daily commitment to build a teaching and inspiring learning environment that awakens in people a passion for a full life and respect the characteristics of each.

  • Belo Horizonte

    Campus Guajajaras Rua Guajajaras, 175, centro

    • Belo Horizonte

      Campus Liberdade R. da Bahia, 1764 - Centro

      • Belo Horizonte

        Campus Barro Preto Rua dos Goitacazes, 1159 - Barro Preto

        Centro Universitário Una