Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Education
Nashville, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 28,590 / per semester *
* per 12-18 credit hours
Trevecca’s Bachelor of Arts in theatre education is an interdisciplinary program that gives you the foundation you need to become an effective and engaging theatre teacher in grades 7-12. The program provides professional licensure and culminates with student teaching experience through our partnerships with local schools.
Program Benefits
- Gain valuable student teaching experience.
- Learn from faculty who possess high degrees in their fields, who have relevant and valuable real-world experience, and who make an effort to know you personally.
- Enjoy our small class sizes and supportive campus community.
- Take advantage of incredible job opportunities available in the diverse Nashville market.
What to Expect
Trevecca’s Bachelor of Arts in theatre education is a perfect choice if you want to pursue a degree that combines your love of theatre with your desire to inspire and teach. This interdisciplinary program offers the best of our communication studies department and our NCATE-accredited School of Education, giving you a strong and well-balanced foundation to become a successful teacher.
The program not only equips you with knowledge and skills in theatre education, but it gives you national certification and professional licensure to teach theatre in grades 7-12. The program culminates in valuable student teaching experience. You’ll have opportunities to observe and teach in local classrooms in diverse school settings to enhance your learning and prepare you for success.
Why Choose Trevecca?
Founded in 1901 and a leader in online education for more than two decades, Trevecca helps students discover and pursue an individual calling by providing innovative instruction; cultivating a supportive, Christ-centered community; and establishing relationships that open doors.
Recognized nationally and locally for academic quality, Trevecca has earned a reputation for providing the world with servant leaders, problem solvers, and difference makers. Trevecca’s holistic approach to education encompasses intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth.
As a Christian university, we offer programs that explore the ways faith intersects with your field of study. This means you can gain your theatre education degree in a supportive, Christian community with small classroom sizes and engaged faculty members who care about you, your faith, and your goals.
General Education Core — 63 hours
- BUS 2010 Financial Stewardship 2
- COM 1010 Speech Communication 3
- EDU 2100 Technology for Educators 2
- ENG 1020 English Composition I 3
- ENG 1080 English Composition II: Critical Reading, Writing, and Thinking 3
- ENG 2000 World Literature 3
- ESL 3150 English Acquisition (FE-10) 3
- HIS 1400 World Civilizations: Ancient and Medieval World 3 or HIS 1450 World Civilizations: Early Modern and Modern World 3
- HPE 1500 Introduction to Health and Wellness 2
- INT 1100 Life, Calling, and Purpose 3
- MAT 1040 Concepts of Mathematics 3
- PHL 2010 Introduction to Philosophy 3 or PHL 3070 Ethics 3
- MUS 1500 Fine Arts 3
- PSY 2010 General Psychology 3
- PSY 2500 Human Growth and Cognition 3
- PSY 3411 Introduction to the Exceptional Learner 3
- REL 2000 Introduction to Biblical Faith 3
- REL 3000 Christian Tradition 3
- REL 4000 Christian Life and Ministry 3
- SCI 1500 Life Science 3 or SCI 1600 Physical Science 3
- SCI 2600 Issues in Science 3
INT 1100: Freshman leadership course requirement. Candidates entering with more than 24 hours are exempt.
Choose one of the following — 3 hours
- SOC 2500 The Family in Society 3
- SOC 3200 Social Problems 3
- SOC 3300 Urban Sociology 3
Major — 29 hours
- COM 1000 Production Participation and Project Attendance 0
- COM 2350 Creative Drama (FE-10) 3
- COM 2410 Acting I: Theory and Practice (FE-10) 2
- COM 2420 Acting II: Improvisation and Viewpoints 2
- COM 2950 Script Analysis 1
- COM 3400 Theatre History and Dramatic Literature 3
- COM 3450 Playwriting Workshop 2
- COM 4030 Design and Production for the Stage (FE-10) 3
- COM 4040 Play Directing (FE-10) 3
- COM 422A-F Drama Practicum 1
- COM 4600 Junior/Senior Seminar in Dramatic Arts 1
- COM 4410/ENG 4410 Modern Drama in Performance 3
- COM 4800 Senior Project in Communication Studies 1-2
- Certification in First Aid and CPR 0
- COM 1000: 6 satisfactory semesters
- COM 422A-F: 4 hours required
- COM 4800: 2 hours required
Professional Secondary Core — 19 hours
- EDU 1020 Becoming a Teacher (FE-20) 1
- EDU 1500 Foundations of Education 2
- EDU 2300 Secondary Curriculum and Instruction (FE-20) 3
- EDU 3410 Educational Tests and Measurements 2
- EDU 3510 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas (FE-20) 3
- EDU 3556 Effective Classroom Environments 2
- EDU 4230 Methods and Materials for Secondary Education (FE-30) 3
- SOC 3270 Education in an Urban Culture (FE-10) 3
Enhanced Student Teaching — 12 hours
- EDU 4600 Student Teaching Seminar 3
- EDU 4670 Enhanced Student Teaching Secondary School 1-9
- EDU 4730 edTPA Seminar 0
Total Credit Hours: 123
Program Outcome
Teacher candidates with a Theatre Education major will be able to:
- Perform effectively as a teacher in grades K-12;
- Critically assess a theatre production's relative merits and weaknesses within the global contexts of artistic expression and spiritual significance;
- Satisfy proficiently at least ONE of the basic collaborative roles for the production of a play that is at least one act in length, or longer. The roles graduates may choose from are: director of the play, performer in a major character role of the play, author of the script, lighting designer of play, scenic designer of play, or costume designer of the play.
Career Opportunities
With your degree from Trevecca, you'll be well-prepared to continue on to graduate studies or teach theatre in grades 7-12. Because most schools don’t offer full-time teaching roles for theatre alone, you are encouraged to obtain additional certification in other disciplines such as English, history, speech, or social sciences. Any additional certifications you receive will increase your qualification for full-time teaching positions.
Student Testimonials
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!