Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies
Nashville, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 28,590 / per semester *
* per 12-18 credit hours
Trevecca’s Bachelor of Arts in intercultural studies prepares you for both domestic and global cross-cultural Christian ministry. This program offers a versatile education involving intercultural dynamics and coursework that trains you for ordained ministry in culturally diverse settings.
Program Benefits
- Learn from faculty who possess high degrees in their fields, who have relevant and valuable real-world experience, and who make an effort to know you personally.
- Enjoy our small class sizes and supportive campus community.
- Take advantage of incredible internships and jobs available in the exciting Nashville market.
What to Expect
Trevecca’s intercultural studies program is perfect if you feel a calling toward a career in international relations or ministry in a culturally diverse setting. This unique program allows you to complete intercultural training and coursework while also being prepared for ordained ministry with foundational courses in Bible, theology, church and mission history, and practical ministry.
Your degree also covers topics like learning new languages and cultures, becoming a culturally appropriate leader, and resolving cross-cultural conflict. You’ll be able to tailor your education to align with your individual passions and goals when you supplement your major with one of the following minors: English language learning; information technology; entrepreneurship and small business management; or social work.
With the broad and balanced education you receive with this degree, you’ll be prepared for both domestic and global cross-cultural Christian ministry. Your knowledge of intercultural dynamics will also give you tools for cultural engagement and creative access and will enable you to pursue roles that offer vocational support to your ministry.
Why Choose Trevecca?
Founded in 1901 and a leader in online education for more than two decades, Trevecca helps students discover and pursue an individual calling by providing innovative instruction; cultivating a supportive, Christ-centered community; and establishing relationships that open doors.
Recognized nationally and locally for academic quality, Trevecca has earned a reputation for providing the world with servant leaders, problem solvers, and difference makers. Trevecca’s holistic approach to education encompasses intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth.
As a Christian university, we believe that God has a unique plan and purpose for your life. So we offer programs that explore the ways faith intersects with your field of study. This means you can gain your intercultural studies degree in a supportive, Christian community with small classroom sizes and engaged faculty members who care about you and your goals.
General Education and Freshman Course Requirement — 43 hours
Variations for General Education for Intercultural Studies Majors
- REL 3000 will be waived in lieu of THE 4140 and THE 4150.
- Two courses in intercultural studies (Strategies of Cultural Immersion and Anthropology and Ethnographic Research) meet the Intercultural Literacy requirement.
- Two courses in church history meet the Institutional Requirement.
- Intercultural Studies majors will take REL 4100 designated for majors in the School of Theology and Christian Ministry instead of REL 4000.
- Intercultural Studies majors will take PHL 3210 to satisfy the Contexts Tier, Philosophy requirement in lieu of PHL 2010 or PHL 3070
Major — 59-61 hours
- BIB 2990 Introduction to Biblical Exegesis 3
- CED 3080 The Educational Ministry of the Church 3
- CHI 3040 History of the Ancient and Medieval Church 3
- CHI 3060 History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene 3
- ICS 3100 History and Ideology of Intercultural Witness 3
- ICS 3200 Strategies of Cultural Immersion 3
- ICS 4000 Field Education in Intercultural Studies 1-3
- ICS 4300 Intercultural Administration and Leadership Development 2
- ICS 4400 Anthropology and Ethnographic Research 3
- PRA 1010 Perspectives in Christian Ministry 1
- PRA 3010 The Mission of the People of God 3
- PRA 3310 Pastoral Care and Counseling 2
- PRA 3500 Introduction to Christian Preaching and Worship 3
- REL 4100 The Life of the Christian Minister 3
- THE 4090 Theology of Holiness 3
- THE 4140 Systematic Theology I 3
- THE 4150 Systematic Theology II 3
- THE 4210 Christian Theology of World Religions 2
- THE 4270 Old Testament Theology 3
- THE 4280 New Testament Theology 3
- Upper Division Bible courses (one Old Testament and one New Testament) 6
Minor — 18 hours
(Required departmental minor in Information Technology, Entrepreneurship, Small Business Management, or Social Work unless an alternative to these is approved in consultation with the advisor.)
Total Credit Hours: 120-122
Career Opportunities
With a degree in intercultural studies, you’ll be ready for a variety of roles in which knowledge of cross-cultural dynamics is essential. More specifically, you’ll be prepared for positions like these:
- Missionary
- Pastor
- Multicultural ministry leader
- Church planter
- Ethnographer
- Researcher
- Refugee/immigrant resettlement worker
Your degree can also position you to continue with graduate studies in a number of fields.
Student Testimonials
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!