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Tokyo Denki University

Tokyo Denki University

Tokyo Denki University


Tokyo Denki University (TDU) was founded in 1907 by two young engineers who played active roles in the industrial world, Seiichi Hirota and Shinkichi Ogimoto, to concretize their sublime idea, “Promoting engineering education is indeed the foundation for the development of a nation.” Through its solid and diligent academic culture, TDU has been fostering students for more than a century with the mission, “Development of Human Resources Who Contribute to Society by Technology.” TDU also has been providing quality instruction based on the two educational maxims: “Respect for Practical Study” and “Students First.” TDU continues to cultivate excellent human resources to meet the needs of society, changing with the times to make significant contributions to the development of Japan’s science and technology.


  • Adachi City

    Tokyo Senju Campus 5 Senju Asahi-cho, 120-8551, Adachi City

    • Hatoyama

      Saitama Hatoyama Campus Ishizaka, Hatoyama-machi, Hiki-gun, 350-0394, Hatoyama

      • Inzai

        Chiba New Town Campus 2-1200 Muzai Gakuendai, , Inzai
