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The University Of Tokyo Bachelor in Science
The University Of Tokyo

Bachelor in Science

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Apr 2024

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The Faculty of Science is a place for education and research on science. Science is a study that engages in a “dialogue with Nature” to understand the principles and laws working in the natural world. We strive to unravel the mysteries of nature, starting by asking simple questions such as “Why?” and “How?” The principal incentives to do most research activities lie in pure interest, and human wisdom has been accumulated in this manner for many generations. Sometimes the understanding of Nature directly results in applied use in the real world. Other times, it takes a long time before the understanding of Nature brings a significant change to our lifestyles.

Take quantum mechanics, which describes microworlds, for example. The starting point of quantum mechanics was the pursuit of pure interest, such as “What structures does an atom have?” and “What is the true nature of light?” This pure interest led to the understanding of the behavior of electrons in a substance, which resulted in the establishment of semiconductor technology. Semiconductor technology, in turn, resulted in the birth of computer technology, which leads to the creation of the modern information society. Also, quantum mechanics has enabled the development of a variety of functional substances, based on the discovery of the true nature of chemical bonds and the microscopic understanding of molecular structures and chemical reactions. We are surrounded by materials that are manufactured with those functional substances. The concept of molecular structures, meanwhile, has been extended to include organisms. Triggered by the discovery of double helix of DNA, the dramatic development of biotechnology took place. Without research in the field of science, many convenient functions, which we enjoy in the modern world, would not have been brought about.

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