BA (Hons) Acting; Stage and Screen
London, United Kingdom
3 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2026
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BA (Hons) Acting; Stage and Screen
The philosophy of the course can be summed up by the words, ‘embodiment’, ‘imagination’ and ‘interaction’. The training develops the actor’s body and voice as strong and effective communicators of thought, emotion and intention, and opens up the imagination so that the actor can create and sustain three-dimensional worlds from the playwright’s text. These processes invariably take place in an interactive context so that the actor is constantly learning to respond to outside stimuli – whether people, objects or atmosphere – in an open and uncensored way. Students are entitled to full Equity status upon graduation.
Year 1 / Level 4 will provide you with the enabling conditions for you to reach a state of intellectual, physical and emotional readiness vital for the development of an effective actor’s working process. Learning and teaching strategies will focus on your own identification and awareness of acquired physical, vocal and psychological habits. As honors students you will be introduced to the notion of the reflective practitioner and are required to keep a Working Journal throughout the course. This level establishes a common understanding of Acting, taking a broad view of the many processes involved. It could be identified as being similar to a ‘foundation’ year. Year 2 / Level 5 Overview In this level you will focus on developing a solid foundation to your personal acting process through an application and interrogation of the concepts introduced in Level four, and your developing emotional investment in performance. Learning and teaching strategies will make considerable new demands upon you, and your anticipated mastery at Year One of a wide range of basic acting skills and knowledge will serve as the essential foundation to these new challenges. Having technically identified your own acquired physical, vocal and psychological habits, you will now be required to advance your intellectual, emotional and performance competencies. You will be required to continue to develop your notion and experience of the reflective practitioner, in addition to keeping a Working Journal. At Level five, you will be required to develop your own understanding of the links between the personal and the professional in acting, to recognize individual strengths as well as the limitations these might impose, and to explore the means to begin to experiment beyond these established parameters. Year 3/Level 6 Overview This level is conceived and structured in such a way as to enable you to reinforce, test and constructively critique the process of acting, and to broaden your range of technical and professional skills. The key focus throughout is the provision of a range of public performances, with appropriate casting choices made throughout such that you experience a range of challenges, but at different stages throughout the year. In your third year you will be required to take a substantial and individual professional / academic responsibility for your own development and demonstrate a greater capacity for high quality sustained independent work at this level. This is your ‘professional’ year – where you will demonstrate your understanding of industry standard performance. The year aims to replicate current professional practice, the artistic director placing total emphasis on the professional actor’s craft. The year will challenge your creative process with theatrically complex and demanding plays and new performance projects, selected from non-realistic and realistic modes of performance. You will be required to apply research techniques developed in year 2 and incorporate your own established personal independent routine of daily practice in your acquisition, investigation and interrogation of advanced vocal and physical skills.