BA in Accounting & Finance
Nicosia, Cyprus
4 Years
Full time
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EUR 10,000 / per year
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The Department of Accounting and Finance is strongly committed to providing high-quality education and training in the functional disciplines of accounting and finance. A diverse group of academics with professional and academic experience and expertise in a variety of areas of accounting and finance, including corporate finance, risk management, and public finance, compose the department.
The programmes offered by the Accounting and Finance Department offer a curriculum that maps to the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) academic benchmarks and yet satisfies the accreditation requirements of the ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA, AIA, the CPA, Australia and the CPA, Ireland, for examination and exemption purposes.
Programme objectives
The Accounting and Finance programme aims to provide high-quality education and training in the functional disciplines of accounting and finance. In formulating the programme, consideration was given to the possibility of earning exemptions from British Professional Chartered Accountancy bodies, given that accountancy qualifications are primarily designed to help the business community meet its obligations for keeping accurate accounting records and for making sound financial decisions.
The programme took cognizance of the fact that academic courses offered at the university should prepare students to meet the practical needs of industry and the profession. In particular, the Accounting and Finance programme aims to help the students to develop an understanding of the concepts and analytical skills to study, report, and analyze business activities effectively, through offering a curriculum that maps to the Cyprus Agency of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Higher Education (CYQAA) academic benchmarks and yet satisfies the accreditation requirements of the ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA, AIA, the CPA, Australia and the CPA, Ireland, for examination and exemption purposes.
Program Outcome
Upon successful completion of the Accounting and Finance programme, graduates will be able to:
- Prepare and analyze financial and management accounts, statements, and reports, and give appropriate advice;
- Demonstrate an understanding of the constraints on accountants and managers imposed by economics and legal factors;
- Prepare tax computations and give advice on personal and corporate tax issues;
- Apply financial management theory and techniques and give appropriate advice on financing, investment, and distribution;
- Communicate and apply knowledge and understanding of the principles of business information systems management at an appropriate level;
- Apply the principles of internal and external auditing in relation to financial review, control, accountability, and assurance.
The blend of specific accounting and finance modules with a wider understanding of business gives the graduates both a strong foundation in the subjects and an application of how accounting and finance are applied in real–worth business situations.
Graduates with accounting and finance skills are in constant demand around the world, with graduates going on to gain employment in a wide range of companies, from professional accountancy firms to large multinational operations. With a high level of professional exemptions from accredited British Accountancy Bodies, ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA, AIA, the CPA, Australia, and the CPA, Ireland, this challenging course will help holders of the BA (Hons) degree to become qualified accountants, start work in a finance-related career or to proceed to higher degrees/research.
Graduation requirements
Students studying towards the BA (Hons) degree in Accounting and Finance are required to take a minimum of 240 ECTS. Eighty-five (85) of the required 240 minimum ECTS come from General Electives and the remaining 155 ECTS come from the student’s chosen field of study.
Honours Degree
On graduation each candidate for an Honours Degree must have:
- completed all the prescribed work of the examination syllabus;
- achieved the required minimum number of ECTS of prescribed course work by completing successfully all core and elective subjects as required by the programme of studies. As a general rule, all students must have:
- successfully completed a minimum of 240 ECTS; and
- secured a GPA of at least 2.00 on courses taken successfully during semesters 5 to 8.
Year 1
Semester 1
Core | Elective Courses - Two from: |
Semester 2
Core | Elective Courses - One from: |
Year 2
Semester 3
Core | Elective Courses - Two from: |
Semester 4
Core | Elective Courses - Two from: |
Year 3
Semester 5
Core | Elective Courses - Three from: |
Semester 6
Core | Elective Courses - Three from: |
Year 4
Semester 7
Core | Elective Courses Project I and one of the remaining or two from BSM courses |
Semester 8
Core | Elective Courses Project II and one of the remaining or two from ACF-425, ACF-437, BIS-422, BSM-420, BSM-431 |
Program Tuition Fee
Scholarships and Funding
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.