MPhys Physics
Swansea, United Kingdom
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Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
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Physics addresses the meaning of everything. From quantum information and a grand unified theory, to dark matter and high energy particle physics, this subject can take you anywhere.
Over the course of this three-year degree you will delve into the building blocks of matter and the vastness of the cosmos.
You will learn how fundamental physics is applied across different disciplines and how it connects to new advances in engineering, medicine and mathematics.
Studying physics at Swansea University gives you access to genuinely world-leading teaching and cutting edge facilities.
If you don’t have the necessary entry requirements to enter on to the first year of a degree, you may be offered a place on a degree course with an integrated foundation year.
This course can also be taken as a 4 year Full Time with a Year Abroad or with a Year in Industry
Scholarships and Funding
International Excellence Scholarships are available to both Undergraduate and Postgraduate students. Other scholarships are available, please see our website for more information including eligibility criteria and closing dates.
Year 1 (Level 4)
Compulsory Modules
- Dynamics, Oscillations and Waves
- Astronomy and Cosmology
- Physics of Fields and Matter
- Essential Skills for Physicists
- The Quantum World
- Mathematics for Physicists I
- Mathematics for Physicists II
Optional Modules
- Laboratory Physics I
- Ffiseg Labordy I
Year 2 (Level 5)
Compulsory Modules
- Statistical Physics
- Physics Simulation
- Quantum Mechanics I
- Mathematical Methods in Physics I
- Condensed Matter Physics I
- Electromagnetism and Special Relativity I
- Electromagnetism II
- Mathematical Methods in Physics II
- Particle Physics I
Optional Modules
- Laboratory Physics 2 and Group Projects
- Ffiseg Labordy 2 a Phrosiectau Grwp
- Laboratory Physics 2 and Group Projects
- Ffiseg Labordy 2 a Phrosiectau Grwp
- Professional Development and Career Planning
- Foundations of Astrophysics
- Nanotechnology
Year 3 (Level 6)
Compulsory Modules
- Semiconductor Device Physics
- Quantum Mechanics II
- Atomic Physics I
- Condensed Matter Physics II
- Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics II
- Particle Physics II
- Frontiers of Nuclear Physics
Optional Modules
- Project
- Prosiect
- Advanced Research in Physics
- Arbrofion Opsiwn
- General Relativity
- Cosmology
- Modern Laser Systems
- General Relativity
- Quantum Information Processing
- Foundations of Astrophysics
- Teaching Physics via a School Placement
- Addysgu ffiseg trwy leoliad mewn ysgol
- Nanotechnology
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.