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Sup'De Com : Ecole Superieure de Communication


The SUP'DE COM School of Communication offers a structuring framework around an innovative educational project. All training programs are validated by a State Diploma (BTS Communication) or by a Title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications.

The SUP'DE COM School of Communication offers a structuring framework around an innovative educational project. All training programs are validated by a State Diploma (BTS Communication) or by a Title registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications.

An evolving training course will open the doors to positions of responsibility in an agency or communication services.

SUP'DE COM is a network communication school. With its 9 campuses, it is the 1st school of communication in France. For you, this is the assurance of proximity.

SUP'DE COM's mission is to train future communication strategists, media and non-media, on and offline for professional integration in a constantly evolving sector.

When higher education is questioning its necessary adaptation to society's evolution, technologies, and generations, it is a work on itself that the SUP'DE communication school has undertaken. COM. With a central question: what values ​​does it intend to transmit to future players in communication?

The 4 values ​​(Innovation, Diversity, Commitment, Boldness) of SUP'DE COM, associated with the HEP values ​​(Humanism, Entrepreneurship, Professionalism) of the C&D network, were chosen as a collaborative approach within the SUP'DE COM network. The school is careful to ensure that these values ​​are lived daily, both by employees, learners, and trainers.

  • Montpellier

    Rue de la Croix Verte,499, 34196, Montpellier

    • Nantes

      Boulevard Général de Gaulle,16, 44200, Nantes

      • Bordeaux

        Rue Lucien Faure,114, 33300, Bordeaux

        • Lyon

          Rue Jean-Marie Leclair,7, 69009, Lyon

          • Île-de-France

            Avenue des Chasseurs,7-11, 75017, Île-de-France

            Sup'De Com : Ecole Superieure de Communication