Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
Owings Mills, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 18,867 / per semester
Today’s employers are seeking highly skilled technology professionals who know how to use technology to improve the organization’s competitive edge. Stevenson’s Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems is designed for those seeking a technical career in support of organizations.
Connection to Career
CIS Student Adam talks about Stevenson’s program and the opportunities that came from it, who recently started working at Cienna as a Cybersecurity Analyst.
Scholarships and Funding
Private Scholarships
As an online college that accepts financial aid, this includes scholarships and grants that are offered by private sources — such as fraternal and religious organizations, labor unions, professional associations, social groups, and ethnic associations. Because they are private and therefore not administered by Stevenson, you will need to research and apply for them on your own. The best place to start your research is your local church or synagogue, or a local club such as the Lions or Kiwanis. In addition, various publications contain private resource information; they can be found in your local library or bookstore.
Report Your Private Funding
When applying for financial aid for your online degree, any outside funding you receive must be taken into account when your eligibility is determined for need-based financial aid, such as the Direct Student Loan program. If you have been offered funding from a source outside the University, you should notify the Financial Aid Office of the amount and of the donor.
Federal Loans
A part of your financial aid award may be a loan from the Federal Direct Student Loan Program. A loan must be repaid. Therefore, when deciding whether to borrow, you should examine your need for assistance and your future ability to repay. Generally, you will have from 10 to 25 years to repay your loan, depending on the repayment plan you choose. Your monthly payment amount will be based on how much you borrowed and how long you take to repay. Direct Loans have a fixed interest rate that differs depending on the loan type. The terms and conditions of all loans are explained in the Master Promissory Note which all borrowers must complete and sign.
Alternative/Private Education Loan
Alternative Student Loans, also commonly referred to as Private Education Loans, are consumer loans offered by banks, credit unions, and other private lenders to cover the cost of college not covered by financial aid for online degrees.
Before applying for an Alternative Student Loan, the student and parent of a dependent student should compare the terms of the loan with loan assistance available through the Federal Direct Student Loan and Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan Programs. Most Alternative Student Loan Programs are not competitive with the Federal Loan Programs and are only intended to provide supplemental education financing after all federal options are exhausted.
The courses listed below are required for completion of the bachelor’s degree in computer information systems. Students must also complete the requirements for the Stevenson Educational Experience (SEE).
Specific pre- and co-requisites for each course are listed in the course descriptions.
Major Requirements
- FYS 100 First Year Seminar
- IS 135 MS Office Applications
- IS 140 Information Systems Architecture and Design
- IS 150 Relational Database Design & SQL with MS Access
- IS 170 Systems Development with UML
- IS 201 Management Information Systems
- IS 231 Network Technologies
- IS 232 TCP and IP Communication Protocols for Windows and UNIX
- IS 235 Advanced Windows Server Architecture & Administration
- IS 240 Programming Concepts
- IS 260 Presentation Theory and Application
- IS 320 Human-Computer Interaction
- IS 345 Java Programming
- IS 350 IS Internship
- IS 365 Writing for IS Applications
- IS 431 Exchange Server & Messaging Systems
- IS 432 Network Security-Firewalls, IDS, and Counter Measures
- IS 444 Wireless Application Development
- IS 480 Technology Law
- MGT 210 Business Writing
- ACC 140 Financial Accounting
- MGT 204 Principles of Management
- MKT 206 Principles of Marketing
Program Outcome
Graduates of the Computer Information Systems program will:
- Articulate technology skills learned and applied during the academic career.
- Perform those information technology tasks essential to a chosen career path in application, network, or database design.
- Communicate with confidence and clarity technology ideas in team meetings and public forums.
- Demonstrate professional competency in research, analysis, and business writing.
- Converse in the languages of application, network, and database design.
- Assess business problems using analytical and critical thought processes to identify the best technology solution.
- Pursue an IT career as a well-rounded technology professional, able to leverage talents and interests.
Career Opportunities
Internship Placements
- Baltimore Research
- CareFirst BlueCross Blue Shield of Maryland
- Department of Defense
- EA Engineering, Science, and Technology
- State of Maryland
Top Employers
- AT&T
- PayPal
- Social Security Administration
- U.S. Department of Labor
- US Army National Guard
Career Pathways
- Database Administration
- Information Security
- Programming
- Systems Development
- Web Administration
English Language Requirements
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