BA Media and Communication Management
Calw, Germany
0 Years
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Skills for successful communication
Are you interested in a job with a focus on communication in the field of marketing and event management or public relations?
With this course, we qualify you quickly and practically for a career in the media environment or in companies with intensive internal and external communication.
Acquire communication-oriented specialist knowledge with us: In addition to business administration content, the course focuses on presentation, language, public relations, rhetoric or journalism. Media technology and design also sharpen your profile.
Small learning groups, individual support and dedicated professors and lecturers with practical knowledge guarantee you optimal study conditions.
Benefit from excellent care
In 2008, our university faced the criteria of the Center for University Development (CHE) for the first time. Out of 40 media universities, we took first place in the CHE ranking in the field of "media / communication science and journalism" for supervision, second place for practical relevance and fourth place for study organization.
Our concept for your success
The course equips you with the skills required to manage the interfaces between media and communication. With a combination of lectures, seminars and case studies, we provide you with the necessary knowledge in a meaningful, comprehensive and sustainable manner.
The course structure and content cover all areas of competence of the job profile: fields of work in media companies, in the commercial area or in marketing, events as well as in product management, in PR departments and medium-sized companies.
With this degree, you will qualify quickly and practically for a career in management, both in media companies and in all companies with internal and external communication activities.
The aim of the course is for graduates to acquire a broad, application-oriented, business administration and communication-oriented knowledge based on scientific and practical knowledge, methods and procedures.
In its core area, the degree program imparts comprehensive business management, communication-oriented specialist knowledge, supplemented by creative, technical and industry-specific knowledge of every type of corporate communication. A combination of lectures, seminars and "case studies" is offered in order to be able to impart the skills required to manage the interfaces between media, communication, business and tax law in a meaningful, comprehensive and sustainable manner.
In the 5th and 6th trimester, the course includes a practical study section lasting six months in order to apply and deepen the specialist knowledge learned and to set the course for further knowledge acquisition.