Spiru Haret University
Bachelor and Integrated Master - Architecture
Bucharest, Romania
6 Years
Full time
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1st year
A. Compulsory Subjects
- Architectural design I
- Architectural design II
- Study of form and composition I
- Study of form and composition II
- Mathematics I
- Mechanics and Materials Strength Engineering I
- Construction and finishings I
- Construction and finishings II
- Architecture Theory and Building Programmes I
- Architecture Theory and Building Programmes II
- Universal History of Arts and Architecture I
- Descriptive Geometry I
- Perspective I
- Computer-aided architectural design I
- Computer-aided architectural design II
- Modern languages (practical course)
- Modern languages (practical course)
- Physical Education and Sports
- Practical Training
B. Optional Subjects
- Architectural drawing (practical course) I
- Educational psychology
2nd year
A. Compulsory Subjects
- Architectural design III
- Architectural design IV
- Study of form and composition III
- Study of form and composition IV
- Architecture Theory and Building Programmes III
- Universal History of Architecture and Arts I
- Universal History of Architecture and Arts II
- Descriptive Geometry II
- Perspectives II
- Computer-aided architectural design III
- Computer-aided architectural design IV
- Architectural Structures Theory
- Mechanics and Materials Strength Engineering II
- Constructions and Building Technologies I
- Finishings and Finishings Technology (Interior Finishings)
- Urban Planning and Infrastructures
- Modern languages (practical course) III
- Modern languages (practical course) IV
- Physical Education and Sports
- Practical Training
B.Optional Subjects
- Architectural drawing (practical course) II
3rd year
A. Compulsory Subjects
- Architectural design V
- Architectural design VI
- Study of form and composition V
- Study of form and composition VI
- Architecture Theory and Building Programmes V
- Universal History of Architecture and Arts IV
- Universal History of Architecture and Arts V
- Computer-aided architectural design V
- Urban planning and territorial development II
- Finishings and Finishings Technology (Exterior Finishes)
- Wood and Metal Structures I
- Wood and Metal Structures II
- Reinforced Concrete Structures I
- Built patrimony
- Constructions and Building Technologies II (Notions of Hygrothermics)
- Building equipment and Public Utilities I
- Architecture and sustainable development - Principles and technologies
Specialty projects
- Urban planning
- Practical Training
4th year
A. Compulsory Subjects
- Architectural Synthese I
- Architectural Synthese II
- Computer-aided architectural design VII
- Reinforced Concrete Structures II
- Design I
- Interior design
- Contemporary technologies in architecture I
- Urban structure and Composition
- Universal History of Arts and Architecture VI
- Universal History of Arts and Architecture VII
- Aesthetics and architecture in the European cultural space
- Building Restoration I
- Specialty projects
- Urban planning
- Technical details
- Practical Training
B. Elective subjects
- Interior design
- Environmental design
- Anthropology of the architectural space
- Urban Sociology I
- Art and architecture
- Representations of architecture in arts
- Modern architecture in historical spaces
- Contemporary technologies in architecture II
- Vernacular architecture and sustainable tourism
- Design II
- Urban furniture
- Computer-aided architectural Design VII
- Building equipment and edilitary works II
- Territorial planning and regional development
C. Optional Subjects
5th year
A. Compulsory Subjects
- Architectural synthesis III
- Architectural synthesis IV
- Building Restoration II
- Building Restoration III
- Urban form and urban phenomenon
- Management in architecture
- Special Structures Design
- Theories and schools in architecture and urban planning (20th century)
- Stage architecture and design
- Building Physics I
- Strategies of patrimony rehabilitation
- Specialty projects
- Urban planning
- Restoration
- Practical Training
B. Elective Subjects
B1. Elective projects (1)
- Scenography
- Urban landscaping
B2. Elective Courses (3)
- Ecology and landscape planning
- Urban sociology II
- Building Physics II
- Styles in art and architecture
- Visual communication
- Architectural space semiotics
- Aesthetics
- Lighting and urban physics
- Computer-aided architectural design VIII
- Graphics an architectural photography
- Centre and periphery in urban structures
- Architecture of vaulted spaces in byzantine-Balkan environment
C. Optional Subjects
6th year
A. Design Practicum
- Architectural professional practice (6 hours per day x 5 days) 10 weeks
B. Compulsory Subjects
- Architectural synthesis
- Special structures design II
- Seismic risk and protection of the built patrimony
- The architectural design heuristics
- Legislation in architecture and constructions
- Dissertation
- Pre-diploma
- Dissertation project
- Consultancy urbanism-structures-installations
C. Elective courses sem. 1 (2 out of 4)
- Marketing in architecture
- Building in difficult locations
- Architecture poetics
- Philosophy of culture, art and architecture